Law Proposal

Day 1,842, 06:09 Published in India India by Uv Ajed

(This picture shouldn't be mistaken with "The creation of Adam" by Michelangelo, this picture in reality depicts the transfer of power between the wise old Ashwamedh and the young naked xordin!)
His holy trollness xordin, be declared as the 2nd eGod of eIndia!
Enough said!
We pray to thee, O lord of our's!
May thy blessing be showered upon us as we, thy goats, embark on thy holy arc for the mission of world domination!
May thee fill us with the choicest power to become Superman, He-Man and Wonderwoman,
as we conquer the Amazonia, Eternia and Krypton of thy illegitimate child Plato's world!
We shall savor and pig on thy meat, instead of bread, and drink thy blood, instead of wine, to make us feel holier than thou!

P.S. We pray out of veneration to the First eGod of eIndia, HIDM Ashwamedh. May he show no wrath or remorse for choosing a second!

P.P.S. This is a troll article!