Krakken's economic superplan revealed

Day 2,040, 01:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

We all remember how Sweet boasted about his economic planning with the gold price. How he told us!. Krakken never told you this: copiers of krakken's genius economic plans that gets ruined by dumb masses.

Its simply called the market license. But what is a market license. For a price of 20 Gold you can trade in another market that is not your Natural Enemy.

What markets should I be concentrating on. Its simple if you go to rankings nations you will get the super nations on the top. Buy their market licenses. How does this work. Lets take Q7 WEPS currently lower in the super country I am stationed in. But lets say you mass produce Q7 WEPS. And lets say their price goes higher. You list your Q7 WEP for 1 cent less than theirs. By your next click your items is sold.

Is that the only way I can make money this way? No remember your market is lower so say the price is 1 cent lower you can only sell your items you produce. But players in Ireland will quicksell to listing their item for 1 cent lower than the Ireland price for example say SERBIA Q7 WEPS IS 7.90 IRELAND IS 7.89 SWEET DRINKER drops his price to 7.88 to quicksell. Now I buy and sell it for 1 cent higher on the Serbia market. As the market is so big and it sells quickly unless hordes of players do this the linear price difference will hold. Also remember to work out your import taxes on them the small price that is below the price if you sell. This also wont work in small countries as you will fluctuate their prices as your items stay too long in their market. Also not with every item. For example Q1 FOOD. You will have to wait for the price. I dont know why I love Q1 food but Ok whatever. Unlike Sweet I keep some facts to myself so that everyone is not doing it.

So to give a practical example Q7 WEPS:

1.Ireland - slow seller : 8.38
rest is all super countries so the righ item will sell quickly. Did not look at import taxes but anyway
2. Brazil - 7.70
3. USA - 7.79
4.SERBIA - 7.49
5. Argentina - 9.21

Ok of course you cannot buy items in another country just because you have their market license(Which I think is wrong) So you will have to move to the lowest super country and trade form there in this case Serbia. Dropping it on Argentina at 9.20 will give you a profit of 1.71 per weapon minus import taxes.

So in summary buy as many supercountry market licenses as you can and drop your items strategically between them.

The second tip is the "war stash" & combat stash. Now Plato is balancing this with a mission each month that basically depletes most of it. But Ok if you ignore the missions or most of them anyway what you get for a mere 9.90 euro is 50 Gold 6 Bombs 10 x 200 Energy Bars and other goodies. This is currently the cheapest way to support Plato.(Yes folks his villa in Cyprus is costing him much money. He is always complaining on Twitter about it(jk although the creator of eRepublik is on twitter and you can follow him there or whatever). Now 50 Gold is much you can basically promote your industry significantly each month . Or your strength or you can just donate it to Ireland our favorite cause in this game.

Using hypothetical example are we: