King Woldy requesting Belgian Throne !!!

Day 2,052, 11:12 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

Today, I read a news on Belgian medias. After reigning during 20 years, King Albert II decided to left Belgian throne on July 21

Why on July 21 ? : It is quite simple, It is Belgian National day.

Belgian Throne

In 1993, Albert II took Belgian throne after his older brother died. Albert had almost 60 years old. Now, after 20 years, and almost 80, he decided that it was the best moment to abdicate and give Belgian throne to someone else.

Albert II (6th King of Belgians)

It was scheduled that Prince Philippe took the throne on July 21 to be named « King Philippe » of Belgium. But something unexpected happened.

Woldy learning the news

Well, despite Belgian media mentionned, Philippe won't be named King of Belgian. A rumor who were just confirmed mentionned that Albert II has a younger brother.

His younger brother is very well known and no need to hide who he is : It is our beloved King Woldy the wise.

REAL Belgian family tree

After hearing the excellent news, King Woldy decided to request Belgian throne and it is now sure that on July 21 : King Woldy will be declared King of Belgium. Of course, he will keep our current throne and only a small change will appear in now 18 days.

King of eBritain, Canada, Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Jamaica, Ireland and Belgium

King Albert II of Belgium was a great king and I'm sure that King Woldy will be a great King of Belgium

Woldy on British Throne