Just another RAWR-EDEN article [Eng]

Day 853, 23:43 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles
Disclaimer: I was against joining EDEN when we did. I was wrong, there's some cool bros over there.

Yes tempers are flaring at the moment, but that tends to happen when things are not at their best.

From my (outside) perspective, EDEN gained the upper hand in its conflict and became complacent. The level of intensity and organization in which it acted fell apart when there was no motivation to maintain it (as victories came easier and easier). This issue (as a whole) has no individuals fault (although certain circumstances do of course)

And yes, Americas made its mistakes, and because of real life bias', nobody will ever let us live it down. However, believe it or not America is not a god-like power in this game. We are fallible (as has been proven), which is really one of the main draws to this game - an all powerful, perfect nation would hardly be interesting.

However, no nation in this game can claim to have a flawless history with no episode where things just didnt work out right. Just as importantly, no nation can make a claim in modern history to have accomplished anything remarkable without significant help from their friends.

And...whats the point of this article?

To remind the world, together we've managed to do some pretty neat stuff. Sure things are a bit stressed right now, but when we have our act together, its pretty frikkin awesome. Lets take a second to chill out and recognize how important our allies are (both military, economically, and most importantly socially!)

Heres a quick look at some stuff from my bookmarks. Enjoy!


To our Allies:
Baby, we might be fightin right now but I still love you :3


(It would be much appreciated if anyone of an Eden nation would take the time to translate this for me into their native tongue...I doubt I'll get lucky but I figured I would throw this out there 😃)