Joke of the Day - Uncle Sam Cease Fire

Day 480, 19:35 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson
Headline Image: William Blake's The Ghost of Samuel Appearing to Saul

LToA: The Third Salute - Update

So here we are at the end of Day 727, an important day in the New World with the announcement of Hungary’s departure from PEACE. Yet there are other less conspicuous reasons why today remains a significant marker.

Day 727 denotes the halfway point of the “New Century” that began on Day 677, the moment that marked eCanada’s entry into EDEN. Today the next set of revelations in The Lost Tomes of ATLANTIS turns 50. “The Third Salute” is half-complete in our journey to Day 777, so it is a time to look back at what has passed and what may yet come.

What is the LToA: The Third Salute? Well, it basically marks the third set of revelations from a cryptic set of tomes I have endeavoured to uncover during most of my eLife. For LToA😮7o7o7, the search for more remnants of these ancient ATLANTIS tomes led to a discovery in an eIranian ice grotto during the liberation of our Arctic territories or a pyramid-shaped icon bearing chrono-encrypted and hyperlinked symbols. After deciphering it partially, I lay in wait, reading the signs of our times and transcribing the quatrains bit by bit.

The first set appeared on Day 677:

677:1--MDCCLXXVI "It ain't accurate, but it'll blow your f*#kin mind"
eptember’s fifth week marks the final march to Fortress gate,
to reign in the pauper prince of this century’s fate.
Past beginnings mark a greater glory,
This time’s end leaves none for sorry.

oo7Annuit cœptis: "He favors our undertakings"
wo-eyed Cerberean dog of war let loose the ﻯerpent
Infecting the 1ron sceptre now to septic bent
Which Antipope will pass to new key-keeper
On the 5th, though skeptics doubt the lying sleeper.

7o7E Pluribus Unum: "Out of many, One"
rom Atlantis ash to Eden’s end,
Jacobi's Ladder we did ascend.
Dark purgatory brows purified
Seven swords marking those who died.

o77Bello Vel Paci--: "Prepared in War or in PEACE"
athers’ sins in War of Contrition won
Forgive blood soaked body of Carpenter’s son
But brothers’ arms fail to hold
When pulled apart for pauper gold.

o7o7o7Novus Ordo Seclorum: "A New Order of the Ages"
Ѧs we reach ladder’s final rung, comes the knell
Echoes through Fortress silenced meeting Hall.
Fifth midnight’s passing rings in the final stand,
In Third Salute to New Year’s king, we raise our hand.

The next set partly revealed itself on Day 700:

Century 677: 1st Day of New Age – Ordo ab Chao

With Jus†ice fall to CHAOS rise
In ۩For†ress۩ Hall opens sleeper’s ͼyͽs.
(the remainder of the quatrain is chrono-encrytped)

7oo "The First Salute" – Annus Septimus

Brother’s₪bonds held us to [url=t]terminal۞unity[/url]’s fate
To be released in this [url=url=]new century[/url] of late.
(the remainder of the quatrain is chrono-encrytped)

7o7 – "The Second Salute" – Ex Unus Plures Imperium
Behemoth breaks the Dragon's grip,
Then into Falkon's hold we begin to slip.
(the entire quatrain is chrono-encrytped, as with the entirety of the last two remaining sets)

77o - "The Third Salute" – Pacis Tutus Bellum

777 - "The New Year's King" – Novus Ortus Aevum

LToA: The Third Salute - Freemasonry Connections

Much has passed since “The Third Salute” came to light. eCanada has been liberated. We have cemented the bonds with our Brolliance and EDEN brethren. PEACE has passed its zenith of power. Yet, at home, all is not well. Though we have risen from our occupation, we have not gone beyond the crises of Parliament and People. Have we reached our zenith or will our nation resume its climb to a higher goal?

No doubt we have risen on the Ladder of Jacobi. We were tried by the Sins of our Fathers and were as exiles in a strange land, though it was our own. Yet, we emerged from our exodus, victorious and much the wiser, ready for entry into EDEN. While our foes in the PEACE alliance are wracked by quakes of uncertainty, we too are wracked by a crisis of confidence.

Some say the roots of the recent ruckus lay in Acacia Mason’s article “The Platform Pauper Strikes Again,” a criticism that may have caused Prime Minister Duncan’s strong reaction to Mason’s later article, “William Duncan and the Freemasons,” in the much criticized “Dear Mastah Mason Man.” Perhaps the dispute is yet another of the many ups-and-downs we read in the media from week to week, or perhaps it is part of a deeper series of motions set in play by forces we do not yet comprehend, or even know of. Would it not be fair to say this past week could mark the results of the next Presidential election?

To unearth some insights into the recent goings on, let us travel into the mysterious workings of “LToA: The Third Salute.” Be it a crackpot conspiracy theory or a well-aimed series of observations, you may decide what is true, false, or beyond understanding.

The number 7 and its multiples permeate The Third Salute, marking its beginning and end. Curiously, since the foretelling, there has been an upsurge of citizens born with 7s marking their name:

k7777: Born 725

77Bruno19: Born 724

a777: Born 722

G77UN: Born 704

e77or: Born 689

77Radik77: Born 683

P77777: Born 698

k77Q: Born 672

r776: Born 677

The numbers are interesting but these citizens matter little to the inner-workings of eCanada. That was until I began to notice some 77s appearing in the media this past week:

Bu77uls – Born 679 – wrote an amusing article yesterday: Real World Threat to the CPF

77Grant77- Born 680 – wrote a response article to Freemason tumult: Give Our Prime Minister Some Respect

But what struck my attention the most was Motti0677 – Born 681 – who published “Masonic Call to Action.” Wait…0677: 677:1--MDCCLXXVI or Century 677: 1st Day of New Age – DCLXXVII. A Masonic Call to Action on the First Day of New Age? 0:677:1 – 1 is the first day, 677 marks the New World day, and 0 would mark the end of such a countdown to the last day.

But surely, “The Third Salute” has no other links to Freemasons or any Masonic symbols, you might think. No, in fact, there are many. Consider the pyramid-shaped tome and the associated symbols linked throughout.

Let us quote from The Grand Lodge of Canada’s inaugural announcement: “Freemasonry is illustrated by symbols. Most people recognize the most common masonic symbol, the square and compasses. Perhaps you are familiar with the all seeing eye on American currency.”

The “all seeing eye on American currency” (The Eye of Providence) is the banner image for LToA: Third Salute. The latin numerals and sayings that headline each quatrain are taken from The Great Seal of the United States. The Seal is a symbol that permeates the quatrains, perhaps the most significant connection being its link to “The Prince and the Pauper”: the tale of a lost seal representing the powers of the head of state and the installation of a false Prince on the throne.

Pauper is a term commonly used in LToA, and because I would say “pauper” is not frequently used in modern society, it caught my eye when it in the title of a recent media article. Pauper Prince, I now see, allegorically denotes William Duncan, as revealed to me when I read Acacia Mason’s article “The Platform Pauper Strikes Again.”
Compare it to:
ﻯeptember’s fifth week marks the final march to Fortress gate,
to reign in the pauper prince of this century’s fate

And what of the references to Pauper Gold, perhaps William Duncan’s earlier struggles with Congress? What about Brother’s Bonds, perhaps theforsaken brotherhood between Jacobi and William Duncan, a political endorsement that turned very sour?
Compare it to:
Forgive blood soaked body of Carpenter’s son
But brothers’ arms fail to hold
When pulled apart for pauper gold.

Other Masonic symbols can be found, such as the two-headed eagle/phoenix, the stereotypical talk of a New Order, but what interests me is the use of Jacob’s Ladder.

Jacob’s Ladder and the Freemasons:

Jacob(i)’s Ladder is a central symbol to the Third Salute, referring the ascent or descent of our nation or its leader in the struggle against not only our foes without, but our demons within. You may read about the Ladder’s meaning in “SPABAs Rising: eCanada’s Miraculous Articles.”
To quote: “ You have seen a ladder with five steps, each step having two human faces which kept changing their appearance. The ladder is this age, and the five steps are the periods of this age. But the ten faces are the kings of the ungodly nations of this age.

For Freemasons, Jacob’s Ladder is “an important symbol of the Entered Apprentice Degree. A ladder of several staves or rounds of which three are illustrated to the candidate as Faith, Hope and Charity; the three theological virtues.”

In the text Masonic Initiation, it is noted that “Masonry, then, in exhibiting to modern masons a simple ladder offers them a symbol the significance of which is calculated to open widely the eyes of their imagination. It is true that in the Instruction lecture the ladder is expressly referred to that of Jacob in the familiar biblical episode, and that that ladder is then given a moral significance and made to suggest the
way by which man may ascend from earth to heaven by climbing its symbolic rungs.”

“The Third Salute” would then indicate that the rise of the Freemasons in eCanada is connected to the movements in our current age. These circumstances have not come about by mere chance. William Duncan has not been undone without greater cause.

Some would say William Duncan, for his hasty remarks and rash actions that supersede Congress. Yet, did he haphazardly stumble into a fight with a wisely-worded newb? Or, were the series of events part of eCanada’s scripted fate? Is Acacia Mason a hand in the divine plan or a political handmaid to a more worldly master?

Therefore, I ask you, eCanadians, are we rising or falling now that our enemies are in disarray? Are we stepping upward and onward to raise up eCanada in its rank among nations? Or, have recent events caused us to falter, to lose our ascent and return to a lower state? Who is brining us up and who, or what, is brining us down? Will the mysterious buttons we click bring us peace with old enemies or break the bonds that hold us to our closest brothers?

David and Goliath: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Mysterious buttons then leads us to our next discussion of a naked king. William Duncan has most fashioned himself as King David in his latest article “Mysterious Buttons and Naked Kings.” It is a thought-provoking allegory, and interestingly, the statue of David was created by Michelangelo “to symbolize the defense of civil liberties” – a fitting topic for Duncan and Mason. Additionally, “the statue is meant to show David after he has made the decision to fight Goliath but before the battle has actually taken place.”
–quoted from the Wikipedia entry on Michelangelo’s David

Typically, we associate David with the slaying of Goliath. Goliath was a Philistine giant who had threatened the Israeli people for 40 days. King Saul could find no champion to fight Goliath, a mean brute clad in scale armour representative of a Dragon, or the Devil. David is asked by King Saul to take on the Philistine giant to which David replied, “Yes, O king, I will go, for I do not fear this Philistine, but will go down and fight with and conquer him, big and fierce as he is, and you and your army will gain great glory when he shall be slain by one who has little experience in war, but who looks like a child, and in years is almost a child.

Now keep that description in mind as I provide you a look into the character of Goliath, as taken from The Which Biblical Villain are You Test:

You are Goliath, a proud warrior of your people. You are a gentle hero to your countrymen (i.e. your friends, family, social groups), but a despised villain to people outside of these groups. This is probably due to your arrogance and open hostility. In fact, you are very well known for your directness and your "mean what you say, say what you mean" attitude. This attribute, combined with your pride, gives you an uncanny resemblance to the WWF wrestlers of today; you are viewed as either a hero or a villain depending on the allegiance of the fans.

The dual nature of hero/villain, depending on one’s allegiance, reminds me of a quote from The Lost Symbol (a work of fiction dealing with Freemasons in Washington DC) used in The Book of Plug:

One mortal man had seen Mal'akh's [tattoed body]. The man had shouted in fear. "Good God, you're a demon!"
"If you perceive me as such," Mal'akh had replied, understanding as had the ancients that angels and demons were identical--interchangeable archetypes--all a matter of polarity: the guardian angel who conquered your enemy in battle was perceived by your enemy as a demon."

David or Goliath...heroes or villains...depending on what perspective you take, we inhabit the role of both friend and foe simultaneous in this New World's game of war and politics. I do not know if either David or Goliath is a better match to the parties involved in “The Third Salute.” Perhaps King Saul and the Ghost of Samuel would be more precise allegory. With Saul’s visit to the Witch of Endor, it would certainly offer a curious parallel to the witches of Macbeth, a play quoted at the end of the last LToA update.

LToA: The Third Salute - exit stage left

Simply ending with a series of dry analysis would not suffice for the current “Third Salute” update.

Therefore, now is the time for me to adopt a hunched posture in the shadowy haze. Draw close as we employ the dark arcana for an augury into the Lost Tomes of ATLANTIS.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

The Great Seal is broken: Brother’s Bonds have been forsaken, the Pauper Gold besmirched, and now the “Sanctum Fraternitatis” the Holy Brotherhood is rising against our Pauper Prince. We now salute war with peace, and not PEACE with war. It is done, the bell is rung, and the knell has summoned King Duncan’s 1ron reign to hell, less than heaven.

What are the agents that have brought about this demise? Look to symbols, the gematric numbers, and the pawn pieces of the secret brotherhood that lies in wait for its New Year King.
When you go to vote this December 5th, remember. Remember, what you have read. Ask, who is the devil in the details? Ask, who is casting out whom?

“Fair is foul, and foul is fair:
Hover through the fog and filthy air.
I'll charm the air to give a sound,
While you perform your antic roun😛
That this great king may kindly say,
Our duties did his welcome pay.”


This work is entirely fictional. Consumption of Comfort Eagle Cake is strictly for speculative conspiracy theory purposes and should not be taken as a supplement for upright media fibre

The Shameless Plug has decided to get on board with the latest, hottest media trend. Why try better? So here's how it goes...

A Mexican freedom fighter, Portuguese liberator, and an American warmonger walk into a bar. The Mexican says, "Give a shot of your strongest tequila. Viva la revolución!" The Portugese says, "I will drink with my amigo. Your strongest shot of tequila. Viva a revolução!" The American says: "your line here" (be sure to click on the link first)

Kudos to the person who comes up with the best punchline to finish off the joke.