Day 2,114, 18:02 Published in USA United Kingdom by moomoohead

In this article I am going to explain why I am supporting Ajay for President. Before someone does not even read the article and comments I am a Serbian, a sheep, or a Noob. I live in a small town in North Carolina, have always gone my own path in this game, and have been playing for over 4 years steadily.

I first met Ajay about three and half years ago. One of his multis was trying to become CP of Ireland; I was in the government of Ireland at the time. All facets of the Irish government worked together to get his character banned and he did not come back there again. He sent me PM’s in game, Very nasty IRC messages, delusional comments and article about me in game, and told every two clicker in the country the people working hard to run the country were the elitist and the problem. Ajay has not changed. But on the other hand, I have changed a lot. At the time I had a very different outlook on the game. I took it too seriously and forgot it was a game. I saw someone like Ajay as a destroyer of all the hard fought systems we had put in place. I dismissed his entertainment value he brought to the game as non-relevant. Today I only stick around to be entertained and can care less whether someone can run a cabinet efficiently.

I envision a month of Ajay as CP as one of the most interesting in the eUSA history. Love him or hate, you have to admit Ajay is his own man. He is not afraid to be unpopular and is one of the most active players in the game. He will not rely on consensus building in making decisions. He will make bold and controversial decisions as president. He will drive some to rage. He will point the country in a direction and drive it there whether it wants to go or not. He will be one of the most interesting presidents in the country’s history.

Being CP of the eUSA means more to Ajay then anyone else in this game. He has put up with a lot of name calling against him and put in a lot of work tring to get to his goal. If he ever gets to it I will be happy for him.

Sometimes Ajay spouts his ideology because he believes it; sometimes he does it just to get a rise in people. Most of those people are foolish enough to take the bait. When you stop taking the game seriously this behavior is more interesting to watch then how many people voted for what party in congress elections.

I do not condone his aggressive behavior or his treatment of women. I know most people who read article would not agree with me. But I will be voting on him just to sit back and see how crazy things get. It is just a game.