It's Almost Too Easy

Day 1,210, 16:34 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson
Since this is Top 5, I should tell you to check out McMatty's article on the Unified Inventory System that lists info released by admins:
In case you missd it, there is also an International Top 5 article on the UIS:

Today I produced 208 Food, 10 Q2 Guns, 1615 iron, and 1632 grain. I then fought 17 times using the food and guns I produced.

I did all this in about 3 minutes. That's just way too fast and way too easy to even call this a game now.

This is not your typical Shameless Plug article with a few extra bells and whistles (not even a picture), mainly because I have no time and am simply too flabbergasted that Admins made a change that benefited us. Or did it?

The game is nothing like it was in V1. I had to earn just enough money to feed and equip myself, and then scrounge to save for a house. Now, with a little gold invested, there's really no challenge doing any of that.

Okay, so I edited in another picture.
Let's call this the Easy Button that the admin hit when they implemented the Unified Inventory system. Easy - but too much of a good thing?

Why is it so fast and easy now?

There is NO NEED to go to the market.
Previously, working-managers would have to sell products on the market they produce themselves and buy it back. They would have to either do it very quicky at 0.01 CAD or securely by taking the hit and paying the VAT.

Today I paid no tax and did not visit the market once.

Also, I would have to spend time shifting raw material to the market and then to my manufacturing company. It was a pain but it actually felt like I was working in this game.

Today I never transferrend any raw material. It was all there waiting to be used in my manufacturing companies.

On top of that, I would have to feed myself every time I worked. With only 20 storage, it would require several 'fill-ups' to finish the work-day. Same with fighting, I would have to regularly 'fill-up' on food and weapons as the battle went on.

Today I never bought any food or weapons. I never visited the market. The food and guns were all there waiting be used in battle or during work.

On the bright side, this saves me time - a fair bit of it (20 minutes). Enough time to throw out this quick article before I head off to work. Of course, the down-side is that it feels to easy, like no real work, or play.

No doubt the Unified Inventory will be a major game changer. Not only will it encourage people to become working-managers. It will also affect the markets, affect taxes, and affect the way we supply soldiers.

Markets: I don't go there any more. Also, I hear I can now buy and sell products, essentially turning the goods market into something like the Monetary Market. Strange that.

Taxes: Working-managers now completely sidestep them. I can also now easily supply people with 1000s of product without having to pay any VAT on it.

Supply: Communal companies now have become the way to go. Work-swap agreements or fair trade arrangements (you work and the employer gives you a cut of what you produce) make more sense if there is no tax to pay as you transfer your product directly to people. For example, Gherk works for my Q2 Gun company. I send him 3 weapons each day. Before, it was a pain and could cost me tax as I went to the market. Now, he makes it, I click on his citizen and donate it. Done.

For this reason, supply for soldiers can indeed change. Perhaps TCO was onto something very early with their slave-pits. Anyone want to hire me in their Q5 weapon company? Guru 13 in a few days - all I ask is a fair cut of what I make and I'll work at mininum wage. It's the way to go.

Okay, I lied. There is a picture. Is there any reason to be wage-slave any longer? What have you done, oh Admins