Irish Army:The Stats lie and supplies is incorrect

Day 2,061, 00:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

First off the reason I placed this isnt because of discontent but merely a concern I have.

Seanan can you please verify your information. This is what I accomplished yesterday

To confirm further:

It was done in 2 surges when i completed the first one I was at 300 kills . The Battle for the DO. After I completed the 500th kill I looked on the MU page at what my stats sai😛 25 kills. Today I looked again 25 kills. I got 9 Q7 WEPS and 4 IEP but bought on my own 140 Q7 WEPS and spend 1500 IEP or something like that . Furthermore I used 70 GOLD. Massive effort rewarded with sub par rewards IMO.

Somewhere something must be totally screwed up for me to get 1 less Q7 WEP and a measly 4 IEP.


After Seanan and Coleman's comments I checked my stats on eGov which is totally incorrect. It shows my hits per Q7 WEP damage as 11,949 per hit. Of course they took the average which would gives an inaccurate result if I hit say 50 one hitters and had 30 Q7 WEPS full opponents my Q7 hit damage for the weak opponent 4000 would be less than my Q7 hit for the Strong Opponent 38000. Also as pointed out I used some weps think 3 small bombs and 2 Big bombs this was added to my overall damage of the day which stood at 24 million. So a Small Bombs damage is added to the total influence which they divide by your avg Q7 WEP damage giving an inaccurate result.

So we need 100 hit for 10 WEPS. I must test that theory later when my energy is full.

Ok I will check the accuracy of the stats for my records.