Inflation, Deflation, Deflagration & Defloration! PART II

Day 1,221, 06:08 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Vlad Dracula Mike

Inflation, Deflation, Deflagration & Defloration!

Be careful! Wake up! Until its not to late! I am sure maybe the situation is not exactly the same everywhere but I am sure more countries has this kind of problems… READ ON… ;o)

I know that for some of you this is NOT NEWS but its good to be informed.

For the last few days I have been trying to do and re-do “all sorts of “calculations-ships”… but regardless of what I do you cannot keep people to work in your factories if they have a bigger level than 5-Coordinator…

A simple calculation shows the following:
8 – Master has aprox. 20 de RON / zi he will produce 261 wheat units without a booster.
10- Guru* has aprox. 25 RON /zi he will produce 584 wheat units without a booster

1. 8 -Master – 261 wheat x 0.04 = 10.44 RON for his wheat.
2. 10- Guru* - 584 wheat x 0.04 = 23.36 RON for his wheat.

The employee has a salary of 20- 25 RON/zi.

All those of you that have employees please do some “Artimetics” ;o) that thing that Arhimedes invented

Because of you some serious players cannot keep other serious smaller players that want to grow

All of you that keep those salaries YOU “ROCK”, ;o)

Inflatia, Deflatia, Deflagratia si Defloratia!

Aveti mare grija! Oameni buni! Treziti-vati! – Zic…. Pina nu e prea tirziu.

Stiu ca poate pt unii dintre voi asta nu e o noutate dar e bine sa fim informati cu totii asa ca acest mesaj e pt toti cei care sint mai noi si nu au apucat sa se trezeasca la realitate.

Observ de citeva zile tot incercind sa RE-fac “calculelelor” … dar.. orice ai face nu mai poti tine angajati in firma daca au un nivel mai mare de nivel 5 – Coordinator.

Un calcul simplu si efficient arata ca un angajat cu nivel
8 – Master are un salariu de aprox. 20 de RON / zi el producind 261 unitati de griu fara boster.
10- Guru* are salariu de aprox. 25 RON /zi un guru produce 584 griu fara booster.

1. 8 -Master – 261 griu x 0.04 = 10.44 RON pt griul vindut.
2. 10- Guru* - 584 griu x 0.04 = 23.36 RON pt griul vindut.

Iar angajatul are salariu de 20- 25 RON/zi.

Astia care sinteti patroni si vreti sa angajati mai faceti niste “Artimetica” d’aia…. De face ape vremuri Arhimede.
Ca din cauza voastra nu poate unul care munceste correct in joc.. sa tina angajati care ii pleaca la salarii mai mari.. la unii ca voi care poate nici macar nu stiti ca mergeti in pierdere.

Meseriasilor, ;o)