Day 875, 14:38 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Well guys, its time for an educational piece regarding the art of the ragequit

Why? Well, as a result of recent events, its almost certain that there will be a small exodus players willing to walk away from the game.

BUT WAIT! Before you go, there are things to learn about your departure.

You see, the ragequit is an artform. Its the opportunity for you, the quitter, to say what the rest of us really feel inside, and an opportunity to leave your mark behind. Its practically like being able to speak at your own eulogy. You only get one shot, unless you're a fgt and come back. This is obviously not the best situation, as a "RAEGQUIT...NM" situation is very awkward, kinda like breaking up with your girlfriend based on a false assumption.

So, do you really want to ragequit? really?

Well there are simple ways to avoid it. How? Well, dont quit playing the game, just quit caring about it. Its almost inevitable that if the player of a game cares more about the game than the developer, there will be issues. Considering admin behavior has gone to show that they care about carrying out some pirate-fantasies (Link only marginally related), likely including johnny depp. more than they care about this game, I can unscientifically deduce that over 105% of eRepublik players care about this game than the admins.

The simple and most straightfoward way to avoid this is to stop buying gold. This isnt a "F U ADMIN" deal, although thats a pleasant side effect. The fact of the matter is that once you purchase gold, you have a vested interest in your character and the game itself. This is bad. I've purchased gold in the past under simple pretenses: I enjoy playing the game and thus to ensure that I will be able to continue doing so, I will spend a small amount of money on it. I was wrong. After a while, I recognized that I (as well as most players) actually abhor eRepublik to an extent, and actually are attracted by the type of players eRepublik attracts. We enjoy the community thats formed, and the ability to participate in intelligent debate with intelligent minds. The fact that we can play out some nationalist fantasies is just a fun aside (that works occasionally).

Recognizing that simple truth, I personally reached a point where some days I will have hung out on the forums for a while and realize the next day I never even two clicked. Its kinda neat.

Another positive side effect of the "chill out and hang" approach is that you get to giggle at the fact that you cost the admin server/bandwidth space while providing no benefit besides adding one more citizen for them to artificially pad their numbers when seeking investors


You sure? Alright. God bless you for doing a great deed for the greater good.

Lets get to the fun.

In my mind, there are three catagories or ragequit for eRepublik.

Actual image of George Barker writing posts.

The disillusioned consumer: Write a polite well thought out piece regarding your concern for the future of the game. Write out well thought out suggestions for improvement, and lament the fact that such great potential is wasted. Incessantly point out that you are a paying customer. This method is rather mundane, so I see no reason in continuing describing it, as only pansys go this route, and you're not a pansy, right?

Pisse😛 Now we're getting there. RAEGGGG! Lots of capital letters and obscenities. Include every aspect of the game thats angered you in your time here. Did I mention lots of obscenities? If you run out of obscenities, thank god the internets here to help you find more. Sure, urbandictionary will probably give you some pretty obscure stuff, but thats the point my friend! By the end of the article, the reader should know that you're angry at the current state of affairs, and little more than that. Dont worry, the readers will understand. Emotion transcends words.

.JPG: The ultimate FFUUUUUU. You've reached nirvana, now prove that you care less about the game than the admins by not even taking the time to write out a post. Post the first thing that comes to mind . If the first thing that comes to mind isnt...questionable in nature (Im not spelling it out for you, but it may include stuff PETA doesnt approve of)...then you, sir, need to GTFO the internet. If the offending party has a face/logo, photoshop is your friend. Use it wisely. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, and two thousand words is tl;dr, so you only get one shot at this!

To the ragequitters, thanks for taking the time to read this, and god bless you for providing a service to this eNation. Enjoy the lovely weather!

And to my normal readers, enjoy the lulz. Thank god for Michael Porter providing some relief on an otherwise dreary day of final exam prep.
