If any words are needed...

Day 1,379, 02:49 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

During the times I spent in eRepublik, Romania has been accused of being double-faced many times. Inside Eden there were always discussions about Romania trying to get what is best for themselves and disregarding their allies.

Months later, Eden is still alive (but not the super-power it used to be) and Romania is still part of Eden. Romania has been for long time the playground of One forces (Serbia and Hungary) and been erased many times. Despite all the hardship we had to endure, Romanian community has not been broken. Despite all internal discussions (somehow to be expected because of the situation in which our country spent the last few months) the community is still there. We are still united in bad times, as we were in good times of Eden supremacy.

Even if One forces still have the upper hand, Romania proved itself right to its allies and enemies. We stood up to our allies, we helped them when necessary disregarding even the battles for our territories and more importantly- we contributed to keeping Eden a force on the battlefield and on the diplomatic playground.

Poland and Spain have blamed Romania for leaving Eden. They have been proved wrong. Romania is not the "bad guy" we have been accused of being. Our allies can confirm, not only Eden but also Terra- and I personally am proud of having Russia and France, plus all other Terra countries- as our allies.

Despite the bad times, Romania has proved by fact what has long said in words: we are commited to Eden and will stand by it in good in bad times, not like traitors who fled at the first sign of weakness to fight against us. Eden will survive and become stronger again, the traitors will be forever stained by their stupidity and ingratitude.

It does not matter who is stronger on the battlefield now, our community will endure and that proves that we are stronger.

Long live Eden and Romania, fail traitors!