Humble advices to eSerbia

Day 1,021, 21:11 Published in Serbia China by VLKR

This is not a trolling article, just my personal sharing of the events happened today.

I'm from eChina, and we are very happy in helping one of our best friends eCroatia in liberating Slavonia from your control. However, we are so sorry to see how your "allies" or "friends" have treated you.

Without any doubt, from the battle statistics, eHungary, eSlovenia and even eGermany are your trusted friends. They have contributed something what everybody have expected to your country and fight with you even in such a bad condition (without defense system and without hospital!). This is admirable, salute. On the contrary, eRussia and eBrazil doesn't contributed much although they looked to be more powerful and have nothing to worry on their land. Even eJapan has done more damages than them! Why this is happened?

On the other side of the world, while we were waiting eSerbia to march into eAustralia, this was not happen. Some news said that eIndonesia didn't allow eSerbia to pass through their land. So does it mean eSerbia have to make another route again through eSouth Africa and cost some more golds to achieve their goal?

I don't want to guess the reason behind. However, being the strongest nation in eRepublik, I think eSerbia can have a lot more to do, no matter it is military, economical or political influence to other countries, friends or enemies. But from what have happened above, it is not something expected. For a better eSerbia, probably eSerbia needs to rethink on their strategy in order to have a bigger success in this eWorld.