How to secure own ER account ?

Day 1,110, 09:28 Published in USA Lithuania by Titless fairy

✯ ✯ ✯ Passwords ✯ ✯ ✯

- Use strong passwords. For example this strong password generator..
- Use different passwords for citizen and each organization which You own.
- Use different passwords for each email accounts which use.
- Keep Your password list in file.
- Do not use citizen password for accessing any forums related to game !

✯ ✯ ✯ eMail ✯ ✯ ✯

- Majority use for citizen profile free of charge web email services such is gmail, hotmail and so on.
- Set for each email account different strong password.
- Some email services have security questions for salvage access to it in case that You forget password or Your email is hacked. Write down in file what You set. Also some of them have ability to set up backup email address where service will proceed email with remedy how to salvage Your access again.
- Commercial email services have relative often security breaches, so Your email account can be one of hacked.
- For in game purposes use different email address, for example Google Doc !
- Never revile to anyone Your email addresses which You did use for Your citizen registration, org registration.
- Hackers will then hack Your email and get trough it to Your ER account ! If he do not know what it is Your email he cannot hack it !
- Do not hold org list and passwords in Your email inbox ! After receive confidential information trough email store it in file and delete email.

✯ ✯ ✯ Browser ✯ ✯ ✯

- Set Your browser to not remember passwords.
- Set Your browser to clear cache and cookies after exit.
- Do not click on links which You do not trust !
- Do not lower default security settings.

✯ ✯ ✯ Operational system & router ✯ ✯ ✯

- Make Your SOHO router secure !
- Set on Your firewall for Your OS.
- Do on regular bases updates for Your OS.
- Buy good anti-virus software, update anti-virus pattern often.