How to improve the economic

Day 1,700, 13:55 Published in Serbia Pakistan by Kevin Bartholomew

Hi again

I haven’t posted an article in a long time because there’s nothing to write about. The game is basically dead. I guess that most people are waiting for a change.

I’ve been thinking of simple solutions to fix the economic module. I often start to write articles but I dismiss most of them. I’ve several reasons for that. The main reason is that I alway try to come up with good solution with as few flaws as possible. But now I’ve finally understand that I can’t continue on the same path. No articles are perfect.

Erepublik is in need of an active market. It’s easy to understand why the market is dead. There are too much produced products every day. There are few ways to reduce the amount.

1. Reduce the production.
2. Remove WAM.

Then we have the food market. How are we supposed to make people buy food?

1. Reduce the production.
2. Remove WAM.
3. Reduce the health recover of each Q (let’s say Q1 = 1 health, Q2 = 2 health and so on. )
4. Change from 100 health hourly to 10 food units.

And the weapon market.

1. Change the production.
2. Remove WAM.
3. Remove durability

This article isn’t going to explain everything on my mind. But a few thing I think is great.

At the moment we can have an unlimited number of companies. What if we only could have one food and weapon company? Don’t rage yet. I’ll explain. Make it possible to buy worker spots. For instance, Q6 will cost 780 to create and it’ll have 10 workers. Then there’s a possibility to buy new work spots for let’s say 78 gold each.

This idea isn’t bulletproof. But it could be something to think of.

Admins have to come up with a solution to make us buy and use Q1-Q5. One solution I’ve come up with is to change the productivity for each Q. Q1 companies will produces six weapons, Q2 will produce five weapons and so on till Q6 which will produce one weapon. This will make Q6 weapons expensive and Q1 weapons cheap. And if we at the same that remove durability of each weapon the price difference will become even greater.

This is probably the worst part of the market. No one is buying food, what I know. But changing from 100 health each hour to 10 food units each hour will make players buy Q6 and Q5 food.

One last thought
Why do we have Q6? It doesn’t fit in. Remove and refund everyone with two Q5 companies. 🙂