First Presidential Address

Day 2,939, 15:55 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

Greetings Israel , Friends and Enemies 🙂 I would like to first thank everyone who trusted me with their vote in this election and would also like to say good job to Mikhail Zarevich Kalashnikov. I would like to let you all know my main goal during my term and that is to strengthen our relationships with our fellow NEBULA members our MPPs as well as our other friends around the world. As you know we are a small country. I would like to urge ALL citizens of this great country to reach out to other countries get to know them, make friends with them. Our Minister of Foreign Affairs is JohnTG, but i would like to think of EACH Israeli as a MoFA. Please take time to make friends with those in other countries. See what they need help with, listen to them and help as much as you can. We were once in a much better position than we are now. The reason ? We had excellent ppl who made friends with other countries. Israel was well liked among many countries. I would like us to regain this position and i think we can do it. But i need each and everyone of you to help out. If there are any of you who would like to be more active in this game please feel free to contact me privately or in the thread below. With your help i think we can achieve great things.

Here is to Israel
Here is to NEBULA
Here is to our allies

May we all collaborate for a better good