Fight Alone to Die, Fight With a Team to Kill!

Day 1,014, 08:13 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word for the day is "ARMY"

V2 has changed everything. We lost players and wealth. The economy is screwed. And fighting is ... different. Very different! In V1 we logged on when we wanted, tossed our damage on the wall, and the admins added all the points up at the end. In V2, out damage can be totally negated an hour later. If we attack the wrong enemy at the wrong time, we can get blown away without doing any damage!


Five Reasons To Join the Army

5. You know where to fight. Ever get tired of that annoying message "there are no battles in which you can fight."? Then the next day, you read about a great battle in China or Sweden ... that you didn't even know about? Join the ARMY and every day, you get clear orders telling you where to go and when to fight. And moving tickets!

4. Free guns. And not wimpy Q1 junk, but Q3s and Q5s. (Oh yeah ... and shitty coffee too.)

3. Being part of a team. Why play alone when you can be a great bunch of men and women? Some of the most dedicated players are in the ARMY. And some of the most fun! We work together to make the group stronger and have no patience for back-biting and sniping between soldiers or branches. A friend made in the ARMY is a friend for elife.

2. Education. Fighting in V2 is confusing as hell, and the ARMY will help you learn to fight smart. We talk strategies and tactics every day and pass the knowledge on to every soldier.

1. Survival. If you fight alone, you’re dead meat. But if you fight with the ARMY, you make dead meat! Really, how many times have you wandered onto a battlefield, only to be swarmed by 5 enemy tanks who immediately send you back home in pieces? The ARMY attacks en masse, giving you a chance to survive and kill the enemy. If you're not in the ARMY, how do you know when to fight?

You can join the ARMY in this application. You must be this tall to join: level 8 (Ranger), in-game rank of Colonel.

And check out The Army Times.

Oh yeah, the other military branches are pretty cool too ... Cavalry ... Airborne ... Marines ... National Guard ... Mobile Infantry ...

Go Strong.
ARMY strong.

Lieutenant Colonel Zheng He
Commanding Officer
25th Tropic Lightning Division