FAP's Stupid Idea #1

Day 2,220, 12:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

I've come up with stupid things in the past. Like my party ambassadors scheme. That went well....

But here's my idea. Maybe it's stupid. Maybe it's pure genius. Maybe it's neither of these things.

Why don't we put funding from congress medals into MU's?

MU's aren't all able to sustain themselves, as can be seen with Legion collapsing. Parties such as TUP who can get 12-13 congress members could use that 60-65 gold to run their MU. Parties should use their political advantages to help them in other fields. Sure, it might not account for all the funding. But it would help. I'm sure 60-65 gold goes a long way to supplying an MU, politics can lead to us helping the reliable soldiers who deal influence every day.

Yeah, it's probably not well thought out. But maybe there is something here. If you see a political party doing this (which I doubt)

It was me dammit!

Party Ambassadors
Y'know, it really wasn't that badly received.