eRepublik: The Summary

Day 1,284, 09:50 Published in Egypt Croatia by Janko Fran


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Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

Disclaimer: ANY SIMILARITY TO ACTUAL EVENTS, CHARACTERS OR ENVIRONMENTS IS PURELY COINCIDENTAL. Furthermore, this article is not intended to insult anyone or to flame. It only offers a different view and some constructive suggestions how to make the most out of the current situation in eRepublik. It's also not calling for any significant changes, as most of us are already used to everything and we mostly gave up trying to change anything. The only intention of this article is to increase gold purchase, to make people laugh, to entertain them in order for them to look on the bright side of e-life.

Mad Manoush - Banana Republic
Mad Manoush - Banana Republic

Banana eRepublik: The Summary

Click on the image to enlarge it.

I bet you have seen this picture already in my previous READeR-USeR-LINKeR issues these days, however, let's take a closer look.

What makes some republic a proper banana republic according to that funny comics? There are 10 criteria which should be fulfilled in a proper Banana Republic according to Banana Republic comics. So, let's see...

#1 Domestic spying?

This can include monitoring by administrators and moderators who censor newspapers and punish players in a rather arbitrary manner.

#2 Torture?

Living in a dysfunctional republic, where issues are not being fixed appropriately can really become a torture when it seems that it is not getting any better... So only the greatest masochists and addicts can take it for a longer period of time.

#3 Rich-poor gulf?

Hell yeah! If you don't own a Q5 weapons company, you are practically nobody. And with ever increasing hyper-production, which decreases the prices in local currency, and with devaluation of local currencies induced by the 'invisible hand' of Gods in markets, we are all getting poorer every day.

#4 Secret prisons?

OK, I guess not... At least not yet... So, there is still room to 'improve' this banana republic... And I guess some secret prisons would be nice...

#5 Corruption?

Of course... In politics... And it's always good to have good connections with Admins. It can often make problems disappear...

#6 Denial of civil rights?

Of course... No freedom of speech. No appeal for FPs or no fair trial when permanent bans are 'granted'.

#7 Propaganda?

Of course... Cause you asked for it... Thanks in advance... Your Plato...

#8 Militarism?

Nothing less than militarism... How many active wars are there today? How many peace agreements have been signed?

#9 Fishy elections?

I believe that honest elections in eRepublik are very rare. Why else do we have to wait for 6 hours after election voting is over to have official results, when all the votes are available and counted immediately?

If you know some examples of fair elections in eRepublik, please, let people know, so they can consider moving to that country. I know that in eEgypt elections were relatively fair. Unfortunately, there is no more eEgypt on the map.

#10 Is all that above shocking for us?

Actually no. Not any more. And the answer to those problems: What you can do? Go shopping! The only thing necessary for us to triumph is for good people to do nothing...

Does that sound familiar?


If we count the criteria which make this game banana republic, we can find that it scores 9 banana republic points on the scale of 10. That's pretty good, almost perfect!

So, to be constructive, I'd suggest two things:

Beside the obvious solution in fixing those problem, which has been addressed many times by many players to the Administrator team, there is also an alternative solution.

Change the name of this game to Banana eRepublik.

Banana eRepublik Flag

Banana eRepublik sounds good, it sounds fun and it describes this game almost perfectly! Not to mention that villain games are now in trend. Remember some very popular mafia games?

If Admins only thought of that earlier and if they called this game Banana eRepublik from the beginning, it could have been much better, and maybe we'd have more fun for not taking it too seriously... Lucky for us, this game is still in beta phase, so changing the name would not be a big problem, as being just a simple change in the chain of many changes so far.

Besides, it needs much less work than fixing those 9/10 problems.
Apropos solving the last problem, common Admins, make this game perfect and bring secret e-prisons to the game. Some secret e-prisons would be really nice...

Unless we already are in one...

Ah!!! Let me out!
Where is the exit?!
How the hell to leave this game?
Can somebody tell me?
Really, I've heard that some people have successfully escaped from this e-prison called eRepublik!

Faithfully yours,

Janko Fran

P.S. If you don't see me anymore, I have probably escaped from this e-prison to the RL.

This article has been applied to a 50 G - WRITERS CONTEST (On Behalf of Ashwamedh, the HIDM).

P.P.S. This article won 10 gold on the writers contest! 🙂 So, don't delete it, please! It might be useful to someone...


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Banana eRepublik News

Although I have prepared a long list of links to the articles related to particular issues covered in this article, I wouldn't like to bring your mood down, so I gave up on them (1 FP point). If anyone insists on the whole bibliography and list of references, you can PM me and I'll send it to you for completeness.

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[View Poll Results: Do you agree with the text?; 96.33 % Yes, 3.67 % No; On 1000+ Citizens Sample]
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