Economic Crisis

Day 336, 08:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

eIreland, aswell as the rest of the world has hit a huge Economical Crisis since v1. Companys are not selling products, some companys are not able to afford raw materials, and some companys appear completely inactive.

Several things are effecting things, firstly alot of people stocked up on food and other items, in beta ready and expecting food to become stupidly expensive, but one of the biggest problems, inactivity. If Pure Group is anything to go by, ide say around 60% of my workers havent worked since v1, with this in mind, also remember alot of eIrish have gone off to fight in war.

So basically what we have now, is a reasonably inactive country, which isnt buying anything from the markets.

We have to fix this, and fast, our survival relys on it.

We now have unlimited invites to join eRepublik, we need to use this to our advantage! Every single citizen needs to prod all of there friends, and get them invited! Goto your social sites and get everyone on there invited! If every single person who is reasonably active in eIreland at the moment gets just 2 people to join and live in eIreland, were dancing!

This has to happen, companys cant afford to keep running if there are no citizens buying products!

Im going to be doing my bit and inviting everyone including the kitchen sink to join this game! Remember if they get to level 6 both yourself and they get 5g! 5g Could help you in alot of ways!

Lets go guys and girls! work to be done!