eBe and the Chewbacca defense

Day 869, 01:48 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus



I believe that we the eUNL should give eBE EVERYTHING! Ours training companies, our other major companies, EVERYTHING! Why? Because then we would rid ourselves of this constant nagging the Belgiums have with the belief that they should have more. It almost sounds as if they are a bunch of Americans!

Oh Wait… THEY ARE!

It has finally been admitted by the new eBE president that they have been PTO’d by the eUSA which is not a member of EDEN. He is right about the fact that the eUSA is not EDEN. The eUSA just recently stepped out. I believe last week.
But wait, wasn’t eBE “liberated” a long time ago? Wasn’t it their constant phrase that they were not an EDEN puppet? Well OK then, since one week ago they are not longer an official EDEN puppet. That would mean that that eBE truly is a NEUTRAL nation.
But wait! What did the eBE President say? “We are an independent nation that the Broaliance has a lot of influence in. “ That would mean that they are PTO’d by a different upcoming alliance, that still has close ties to Eden. This is because the eUSA president had said that even though the eUSA has stepped out of EDEN they would still support EDEN.

But eBE says they are neutral and not affliated to any alliance?!!

This does not make SENSE!

In my eyes they are using the Chewbacca defense. Video of the famous Chewbacca defense

So my supposed fellow eNed citizens. It should be a open and shut case. eBE is run under the heavy influence of the eUSA. It is not a neutral country as it claims. They have basically announced to us that they are a member of the Broaliance! They have been lying too us for too long. And in my book we should not be supporting an enemy (the eUSA) where we are still at war with.

If we let their Chewbacca defense play out we would be giving them not only a few companies but our national security as well. We should not allow such a “Broaliance” stronghold to exist on our doorstep! That is the only thing that makes sense to me!
