Dartreal for Senator!

Day 764, 22:25 Published in Australia Australia by Dartreal

Going to make this short and sweet - I'll be running for Senator of W.A!

As Senator I will aim to make citizens in eAustralia more active. I will encourage all players, from the old to the new to the two-clickers, to be more active in eAustralia from its military to its politics. I want to see everyone work together for the one goal that all eAustralians want: to make our country a better place.

As Senator I will listen to all eAustralia from all areas and I encourage you all to bring any suggestions to me so that I will pass them onto the Senate. I think the public need a voice and I am the one to make you all heard - well I'll try to as best as I can.

Dartreal for senator will give the average, true blue little eAustralian battler a voice!

Thank you all, and sorry for the short announcement!

And a Merry Christmas to all!

Acting Party President of ERA.
Owner & Chief Editor of The Word Down Under.