CTRL Are Here

Day 1,777, 08:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

CTRL is upon us. USA, Spain, Brazil and Poland have officially formed the alliance which consists of the four super powers. These countries are spread across the eWorld, meaning they can cause havoc in every region there is. Is this good or bad news for the eUK though?

The Power of CTRL
These countries combined have amazing strength, and can deal billions of damage between them each day. They are not lacking in population either:

When combined, these countries have almost 50,000 citizens. This means that more then 1 in 5 of the eWorld's population is in these 4 countries.
They are no doing bad for getting new citizens either as they have 894 new players between them today. That is almost 3 times the whole population of eSaudi Arabia.

This map also shows that CTRL are the major powers, and own many of the regions across Europe and the America's.

Brazil is the country which is in possession of a majority of South America. They have managed to take all resources as well by taking most of South America, and parts of South Africa too!

Poland, although owning a lot less area then Brazil, have more then twice as many regions. They have taken regions in more then 5 different countries across Europe, and also have managed to get full resource bonuses. Some of the countries they have taken are Germany and France.

USA were fighting Macedonia, but since they are allies with neighbouring country Canada, they have not expanding very far outside of their original regions, but that's not to say they are not powerful.

Spain has the possibility of going to Europe or South America, but instead have only taken Portugal. They have previously taken regions in two of those continents, and will likely get the regions back in the upcoming months.
The eUK, Where Are We In All Of This?
There have not yet been any official announcements by big political figure in the eUK about CTRL, but we should expect some soon. Due to the fact that our current CP was from Poland, that could boost us in favour, however the new elections are coming, and it looks as if Magic Hereos will not run. So it will be up to our new CP on what happens.

There is one good thing though, the new Supreme General of CTRL has stated that the UK, as well as Venezuela, are Pro-CTRL. You can see the eGov site by clicking here, and it is owned by aVie, the Supreme General of CTRL.

We will see in the upcoming weeks on what the new CP decides for the country, but it is important about what the citizens want.
CTRL Council
You can view the official article here: CTRL: Came to Rock, Literally

And here is the executive cabinet of CTRL(in case you wanted to bribe someone):
Supreme General: aVie
Supreme General Deputy: Alexander_Auctoritas
Military Organizer: leviIIII
Public Relations Director: Dr Luis Sentieiro
Media Director: serguma
Foreign Relations Director: Prophet009
This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 1st of October 2012. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.