CrowdedHouse - Minister of MISINFORMATION - A Liar, A Criminal....

Day 790, 07:47 Published in Australia USA by Pizza The Hut

By now, many have seen yet ANOTHER article by CrowdedHouse claiming to speak on behalf of the government. The Prime Minister has authorised the Inspector General to look into this entire situation, INCLUDING the actions of CrowdedHouse. He does not speak on behalf of the government and has been abusing his access to an official organisation. This is nothing short of a blatant attempt to destroy our party. He, and a group of other conspirators have even began to steal our members, claiming that I am somehow a "Foreign PTO" and sadly, some people have actually believed this. Does he have any proof? No. Does it matter? Not really. People like this have violated the rights of others since the beginning of mankind, and sadly, they often get away with their nefarious activities.

It's ironic that someone who calls my legitimate victory a PTO, tried to prevent the people of this party from making a choice in the first place. He has previously attempted to move votes to thwart the will of our party members during the election. This criminal is hellbent on destroying anyone who threatens the status quo. He can call me, and a dead citizen named Ajay Bruno who I have not even spoken to in 6 months(that he loves to mention ALL the time!) the criminals all he wants, but truth transcends his Orwellian tactics. I hope that the people of the LPA and of eAustralia will see this man for the liar and phony that he really is.

Let's examine his "evidence", shall we? Firstly, the forum process is quite confusing. It is not my fault that my request for access was not granted as I expected when I posted there. Further, I kept my campaign quiet because I know that there are those like CrowdedHouse who will demand that everyone respect the only one candidate runs "rule" and I strongly disagree with that sort of practice. Even now, they are plotting on how they will attempt to PTO the party in a month. In fact, his only evidence what-so-ever, is to try and find some loose friend-of-a-friend association and to question my campaigning tactics. It's a sad day in our society when someone is guilty until proven innocent. I have made my intentions clear. I am here to lead our party to victory for eAustralia. That is not a "PTO".

This is a game. I'm here to play and have fun. People like this take it too far. I've seen posts calling me "scum" and other disgusting terms. Apparently eRepublik is all that life has to offer for some people. I simply say, let's relax, and play nicely. I have a RIGHT to be Party President as I won fair-and-square. People like CH should respect that. I will not resign. I will not back down. I will call the REAL criminals out.