CP Update Day 1121

Day 1,121, 17:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Well, it's a few days since my last update so I felt it necessary to write this article tonight. So, time to let you know what has been happening lately:

OJ is still a big issue here but I won't talk about it simply because you're probably all bored to tears about it...I know I am. 😃

The other big news was the proposal by CelticTiger211 of The Irish Army Act. I liked how simple yet brilliant the proposed structure was so I gave it my support. Yet I expressed worry about the financial side of it. TDs must have had similar worries as they voted against the proposal.
I feel if it were simplified a bit more and the financial situation were sorted out, this could be the future for the Irish military. Nephworks' proposal seeks to do this but it has its shortcomings too IMO.

Foreign Affairs:
JohnSmith 2K9 is continuing to meet American officials to discuss what to do about Shannon and the Southeast. He is hoping to arrange a meeting between himself, Krems, perhaps Canada and myself for the weekend so we can finally sort out these issues once and for all.

The nominations for Community Awards have been done and the first Lottery is just finishing up around now. I believe there is also a good quiz in the offing.
So, keep looking at the Community Newspaper to keep up to date on all the great activities James has set up for our enjoyment.

Lately they have set up a topic in the Presidential forum asking for each country to submit a list of their state orgs to them. We have done so and, although they haven't been clear on what exactly they will do, I am hopeful that the Admins will protect our orgs better in future.
We have of course had serious problems in this area before so hopefully this move by the Admins will help to prevent such issues in the future.

Well, I don't have too much time tonight to write much more so I will leave it at that. Please post any questions below and I will get back to you tomorrow.

John Gormley