CP Update Day 1113

Day 1,113, 16:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Good evening eIreland.
So, a lot happened to today and unfortunately not much was positive...

eUK Invasion:
The plan last night was for USA to hit Shannon and we would RW Cork and Kerry. The good news was that USA were able to take Shannon from the UK. The RW didn't exactly go to plan though, and we had to settle for Dan Murchadh's RW in Dublin.

Today, we were fighting to try to secure the Southeast (our last region) against the Brits, as well as trying to win that RW in Dublin. If we don't win one of them, we will have no regions left and this has terrible repercussions such as losing our MPPs, losing our parties and companies for good and eUK gets what is left in our treasury.
The one positive would be that we would have our war with eUK ended and we could RW away without the fear of eUK attacking us.

There is still time left in the those battles, so please fight in those if you can so that it doesn't come to that. If we can save one or both I think we could be okay.
We are trying to get allies to come help us but Canada and USA are very busy in their own battles, so it's difficult.

God forbid it, but if we do get wiped out we will be prepared to RW our way out and get our country back.

Report on the Ministries
I haven't had much chance to check up on Ministries other than DoD with the invasion going on, but the respective Ministers are getting down to work well.

JohnSmith 2K9 released a first article today for the Foreign Affairs Department.
He is particularly looking for new ambassadors and I would strongly encourage aspiring Government politicians to apply.

I have made brief contact with James Keiller and Jacques Cousteau about the Community and Immigration Ministries respectively. They are ready to get going and I am expecting they'll have articles out in the next day or two.

I haven't heard much from other Ministers (with the exception of MoDs ofc) but I am confident they are doing a good job. I will be able to keep on top of the Ministries more once this invasion ends.

Relatively Insignificant Things to Report:
- I explained before about how I had no campaign goals set due to a bug. I actually got a response from the Admins yesterday but they can do nothing (surprising I know...😁:
We are currently still trying to figure out why this thing happens; it is an issue that occurs randomly and it does not occur to everyone.
Unfortunately, the goals cannot be added now because there is a risk that more bugs will occur if we do this.
We are very sorry for any inconveniences created.
Best regards,
The eRepublik Team

- Today, I finally remembered to open my TM for winning the CP election. I have donated the rewards to New Ireland Bank. Please remember to keep donating what you can to this org.

- The impeachment vote against me is going to fail in another 10-15 minutes. I don't know whether to be grateful towards Fear Malice for keeping me in the job for another 7 days, or angry for trapping me in this work-intensive, stressful job for another week at least. 😉
Seriously though, I am glad and I hope I will complete the full month and represent you well.

That's all I have to report tonight.
Éire Abu!

John Gormley
You very tired President