Corruption or the Lack of Common Sense

Day 785, 10:07 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus


In a recent article by the LP, there was an accusation that there was “preferential treatment” and that “…high level oligarchs use the state companies…”.

Upon seeing and reading the article, words could not describe what was racing through my head. I can spend an entire article writing about that, but I won’t. Reason: It’s pointless!

However I do feel that certain things should be, and must be said. So here I go.

The LP has approached this situation rather inadequately, in fact they never even approached me, the Minister of State Companies as minister is to answer the questions people have regarding state companies, that is what transparency is. It is not my job to post every persons wages for the public, if that were the case I would resign my function immediately! The CAO states the minimum wage on what people should be earning. Furthermore it is the liberty of the manager, the minister and the secretary on what people should be paid.
A wage of 20 Nlg is not excessive in any case. UNL Moving had for a while now not enough people working there and the country is in need of moving tickets for military purposes. A higher level employee is not always available, and in this case it was decided to pay a higher wage than the market offer, this is called an incentive. We gave him a reason to work there.

The LP article claimed the following: Corruption.
Definition “Corporate Corruption”: the abuse of power by corporate managers against shareholders or consumers.

Is this the case? No. Corruption is when a manager or a minister is stealing funds or using state resources unlawfully to their own advantage.

Is the state losing money because we have paid him a high wage? No because he still makes a profit on the product he is producing.

Therefore I ask my readers this:
Does the LP article lack common sense?

…. I will let you be the judge of that!


Minister of State Companies

PS. For those of you wishing to know what an Oligarchy is, look it up on wikidepia!