Congress Critters in Action

Day 1,559, 19:34 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

I would like to thank all my supporters, both old friends and new, for voting Zheng "Jed" He for Best Virginia. I have already started a program of putting a permanent stop to strip mining, improving our tourism, and of course, convincing the federal government to put more useless bases and offices in our state.

In the first day, I got the keys to the senate washroom.

Notice how it is extra wide for a congress-critter's wide, well, you know?

Being a traveling man, I immediately upgrade😛

I also got a pretty button that says "Country Administration," and when I click it sometimes I get a "Vote" button that works. Wheehaw!

I got 6 PMs asking me to approve citizenship request. Since Rainy Sunday said don't, I didn't. Unfortunately, nobody offered me gold like some of my colleagues reported.

We've had several proposals for MPPS. Evidently the custom is that if the President says approve, Congress approves. Maybe it's more complicated, but I'm a pretty simple man.

Oh, and we had a long PM conversation with about half the congress-critters where long-time members were confusing us newbies with criticisms that didn't make sense and that were sadly repetitious.

No universal health care, but I'm sure that will come soon.

Take care my friends!
Zheng "Jed" He
The 2-clicker Congress-Critter
Bild and Wonderful Best Virginia!