Common Strike, End Of Low Wage Experiment And Helping Your Country

Day 2,970, 15:06 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

Greetings fellow Israelis! I would like to start off by thanking each of you that voted for me and also thanking each and everyone of you that voted. I would also like to extend my hand out to MiczuTG and say well done.

In previous articles you may remember an experiment we were doing with the economy ( This experiment has been put to an end. So if any of you are still working for a low wage feel free to work for a company in Israel that pays more. Also i would like to thank the participants in this experiment. I do think that if EVERYONE had have gotten on board with this project that over time it would have been a success.

I would also like to announce that tomorrow Day: 2971 @ Erepublik Time : 17:00 we will be having a common military strike. Weapons and food will be handed out to all that participate. We will be meeting on the Rizon IRC Server in #EIsrael channel.

In conclusion i would like to tell you all that I need the help of each and everyone of you to make Israel a better place to live. It is impossible for me to do anything without any of you. If you would like to be more active and help to better your country please PM me.