Central Bank of Nigerian: The third week of management report

Day 2,538, 18:29 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Nigerian National Bank

Hello eNigerians!

The money market for the Bank was moved in this week. We were able to buy 58.75 gold coins for 9791.667 NGN! There are still approximately a few 80500 NGN in money market whose equivalence is 484 gold coins.


We congratulate and thank all those who wanted to and made the donations!
We have raised 396 NGN ( 8 raw *50 NGN – 400 NGN * 0.01=396 NGN)

The Central Bank of Nigeria needs your support! In order to have resources for our liberation we need that you gifts (NGN) into the coffers of the Bank!
How do I do this? buying raw food on the market

General Administration of the Central Bank of Nigeria:

Prime Minister:
Andreas Mihai
Ministry of Economy:
Poncho Warrior