Brotherly Freedom (Article by Formic)

Day 2,008, 12:44 Published in Israel Israel by Tsahi K

Fellow Israelis,

Tomorrow we will make history, and we invite you to make history with us. It is a truly important day for me and for my people. We will liberate Bolivia and attempt to have congress. Tomorrow, May 22st, we will strike in Beni and Cochabamba. Beni is part of the half-moon and its plains and tropical weather contribute to the natural beauty of Bolivia. Cochabamba is the heart of Bolivia, which is itself the heart of South America.

We think that the resistance war will take place around 3 AM EST/GMT-4 which means it will be around 10 AM Israeli local time (00:00 eRepublik time). The time and date are subject to change but we will keep you informed with enough time in between.

Israel is also a small nation like Bolivia and has also experienced the misfortune of occupation, thus we seek to the brave Israeli souls to join us in justice and honor. If you decide to come, we will gladly provide with surplus food and tanks for the battle. The channel where supplies will be distributed is . In case there are no supplies being handed out, check in #eBolivia .

It would mean a lot to us the Bolivian people to see Israeli flags fighting on our side, as we cherish Israel greatly both in eRepublik and real-life. Bolivia does never forget about her allies, and even though we are a weak country overall, we have one of the most organized and strong lower divisions, who are supplied by our government with rockets and a lot of equipment. Fear not, Israelis, if you show us your courage in our battles, we will repay you ten-fold in the long-run.

There can be no victory without sacrifice
Hail Israel
Hail Bolivia
See you on the battlefield my brothers

Written by formic