Breaking news - 7th Cavalry is actually a puppet of the Finnish government

Day 2,378, 10:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by FightAndProduce
Oh this is marvellous!

The article is the original property of Cendorr and is published for the countries viewing pleasure.

Breaking news - 7th Cavalry is actually a puppet of the Finnish government

This morning there was a package in my morning post from an unknown sender. After careful examination I opened it, the package revealed a thick manila folder clad with red "top secret" -stamps.


Report inside the folder was truly intriguing, and it gave me a whole new perspective to this so called British Military Unit, 7th Cavalry, and their actions. There are also some indications that this report was made by Estonian Ministry of Intelligence and brought to public by a rogue agent of the ministry, however nothing is certain.

"Operation Scandinavia"

You might have read about 7th Cavalry's heroic fighting in Operation Scandinavia from their propaganda newspapers. Articles Operation Scandinavia and The greatest danger tell you a glorified story about their battles for Russia against Finland. When in reality the 7th Cavalry was following orders from Finnish Ministry of Defence. It was Finland's plan from the beginning to get wiped by Russia to end war with Estonia and stop Poland's advance to the Finnish Lapland.
7th Cavalry was following Finnish masterplan from the beginning and even dares to use its success as propaganda material of their own actions.

These articles were labeled as poor British humour in Finland to stop further investigations on the matter. But it seems that the agents of Estonian Ministry of Intelligence saw straight through these acts of concealment.

This screenshot was taken by an Estonian sleeping agent. As we can clearly see, the Commander of 7th Cavalry, Jack Jockson is actually in Finland's battle priority PM group as equal member to all representives of Finnish MUs. He is even referred as British Comrade by Finnish Minister of Defence - Fettis.

Sadly I'm not able to reveal all contents in this report as I'm scared of Estonian agent's wellbeing, but I can say that there are a lot of other smaller things listed in this report.
Even something about loyalty test with organisation..