Auggustus for President

Day 890, 01:14 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus


Today I write to you to announce my candidacy for the office of the President of the United Netherlands.

This will be the first of a series of articles, that intend to inform you, the public, of my plans and goals that I have for the eUNL.

The first article will just give you a brief outline of my career in the eUNL, and what my basic political beliefs are. Also I would like to add some things about the coming election campaign, and what I hope might take place.

My Career in the eUNL

Since this is my first time running for this office, I would like to give you a brief outline my career here in the eUNL.

Member I&W: I am an active member of my party. I have helped with many different tasks, including being an advisor while forming two governments, vice party president and voicing my opinions when needed.

Manager at State Companies: This was my first task in helping out the community. The only way at being able to do things is by being a part of it and looking at ways to make things even better than they are.
Member of Congress: I have taken part of congress for six terms. A number of these as part of the opposition, and a number of these as part of the government.

Minister of State Companies: I have served three terms as part of this ministry. Here I helped get a clear overview of the ministry and tried to help make things run more efficiently.

Minister of Economy: This is a function I helped to set up, in order to try to spread the workload of the MoSC as well as provide a function in the government that allows some freedom towards economic policy and thinking. Furthermore this branches function is to help entrepreneurs in our country.

eUNL-Elite: After my six congress terms I decided to take part as a member of eUNL Elite.

CEO of Pecuniam Enterprises: Besides taking part in the government I see myself as an entrepreneur. Part of that responsibility is looking at ways to help bring more money into the eUNL. Besides a few companies in the eUNL, its main focus is foreign investment. Through foreign investment I hope to help create a long term money flow from entering our country. The main part of this is managing a number of companies, owned by the shareholders of this company. Also my criteria for this was for it to be only for citizens of the eUNL.

My Political Beliefs

“All of our social problems arise out of doing the wrong thing righter. The more efficient you are at doing the wrong thing, the wronger you become. It is much better to do the right thing wronger than the wrong thing righter! If you do the right thing wrong and correct it, you get better!” - Russell Ackoff

One of my key beliefs is that you need to learn from your experiences. This is because experience breads experience. Sure once in a while you do things wrong, but in the end its all for the best. One of my favorite way of doing this is through policies of innovation and reform. They might not always work, but when they do, that’s when you hit the jackpot!

Also innovation and reform lead to strong government. It is important that the people who run the country also know what’s going on around them, and not just in their own ministry. Since we are not all masters in every field, we need to relay on others to do their part as well and to inform others on what they have been working on. And this of course comes down to every last citizen doing their part!

It is said that a chain is as strong as its weakest link. However when woven together it becomes a mesh and thus becomes more reliable and thus more stable. That is what government is all about as well. To have a good government you need people from different political beliefs not just the one half that agrees with you! If you have an only right wing government, or pure left wing government you will continue going around in circles. A pure center approach will lead you to go straight into a wall. A combination of the different political spectrum allows us to maneuver freely. Also it is very important that newer people are educated in the tasks such as state secretaries, so that knowledge is passed on, and that we are not continually "reinventing the wheel". And that’s how I believe that government should work.

Other things

As stated by our constitution, the next government will be formed by the new president of the eUNL. It is for this reason that I will make my first campaign promise. During this election campaign I will do my best to present to you, multi party a government, not attributed by party affiliation, but rather the skills that these people possess.

I would urge my fellow candidates to also present to the people of the eUNL the government that they intend to present to congress if they are elected.

On this note, I would like to see if my competitors would be willing to participate in a Presidential debate to take place on IRC, some time before the election.

And so my fellow eUNL citizens, on this note I start my presidential campaign.


PS. Interested in a ministry job? Feel free to contact me! Help your country out and apply for a ministry job today!