Auggustus for Party President

Day 813, 14:43 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus

Auggustus for Party President


With my heart of Iron & my veins full of Wine, I wish to become your party president Iron & Wine!

Why am I running for party president?

The reason I am running because I believe I am a good candidate for this office. I have been a member of Iron & Wine for a long time now. I joined the party because of its ideals and principles that is based upon experience and innovative ideas. I also joined the party because of its loyal, experienced and most important fun members.

And fellow party members, It has been a blast!

In the last few months Iron and Wine has grown to become the dominant party in our country. This is not only due to the fact that we are the major party in congress but also due to the new members who have joined our party. I have always believed in the principle quality over quantity in our party.

Iron & Wine Inside the party:

As party president I will help make our party active within. I will help older members get to know our new members better. I will also encourage our members to share their knowledge of the game with the new generation of party members. Most important of all, I will encourage our members to be innovative!

Iron & Wine Outside the party:

As a party I believe in respecting the opinions and skills of our political opponents. Over the months I have seen the good and bad of the politics in the UNL. I believe that all parties should have a say in how the country is run and therefore think we should liven up the actual politics in our country by holding debates in our nation. Through debating we encourage all parties to take part in the politics of our nation and thus allow other parties to show their opinions as well.

…and on a side note:

I will be running against Frerk this campaign, and I believe that he is an experienced and talented player. If he is elected I believe that he is also a major asset to our party. I would like to therefore wish him the best of luck during this election.

Thank you,
