Auggustus for Congress Part 5

Day 796, 07:56 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus">
First I would like to thank all those who voted for me last month, I was deeply humbled by your support for me, and your support has helped me continue to do my work with pride!
I would also like to take this time, to announce my candidacy for congress for a fifth term!
During my previous terms I have done my best to be an active and innovative voice within congress. I have also had the privilege to take part in the government as the Minister of State Companies.

During my term as minister I have ensured that the running of the state companies is done as efficiently possible. I have also initiated a discussion area on the eUNL forum where people can take part in the discussion and questions with the state companies. I have done this in order to provide more transparency/ communication with the public.
I believe that state companies is the basis of our economy. It helps keeps training costs low and out of the private sector, supplies our military with cheap weapons and provides the state the income it needs to pay for our MPP’s and to keep the state companies as self sufficient as possible and thus being a minimal burden on the tax payer.

If I am elected again the upcoming term and get to take part of the government again, I would like to look at ways that we can make our economy more self sufficient.

I would also like to look further!
I am currently busy examining a plan/ proposal in which we as a country can monopolize our grain resource. I believe that through help of our citizens we may be able to ensure for an economically stable future! This proposal I will propose in the coming weeks regardless if I am elected or take part in the government.

I believe in a strong government!
I believe the work our current coalition has done has continued laying the foundations of a stable country!
I believe in the eUNL!

I’m Auggustus and I am running for congress!

P.S. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful