Auggusts for President: Proposed Government and Plans

Day 894, 04:03 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus


In this second part of my series I intended to propose to you my CP government as well as my governments plans. I believe that these people will serve their respected ministries well and will do so with great dedication.


On of the focuses I will ask on my government to look at and implement, will be changes with regards to the way our congress works. Right now it is often unclear what a proposal is, and under what ministry they fall under. I intend to have the discussions with regards to the government and the ministries, take place on the ministry sub forums, and have congress be a place for only congress members (viewing access to congress would still be available for all citizens). This will achieve two things, a greater desire for people to get into congress and be active and secondly it allows a more organized government where the ministers will be directly responsible. In the end I hope to restore congress to an active congress with active members!
I will also ask for an additional sub forum to be added, so that you the citizens can discuss certain issues with the President. I intend to be available for you the citizens.

Among other things things that you will see by my proposed cabinet is that there are less ministries. In effect I have merged certain ministries, so that there is more oversight. The ministries I propose will be organized as such:

* Ministry of Defense
* Ministry of Foreign Affairs
* Ministry of the Interior & Information: Currently Ministry of Media & Education + Ministry of Home Affairs
* Ministry of Recruitment & Coaching:
* Ministry of Finance
* Ministry of Economy - Combination of Ministry of Economy, Ministry of State Companies & Ministry of Raws

As you can see the following ministries are a combination of a number of ministries their responsibilities of these will look as such:

* Ministry of the Interior & Information: Their focus will be on what is happening in the eUNL, as well as looking at ways to improve communications within our government as well as improving the communication with the public.
* Ministry of Economy -The ministry will be responsible for the oversight of three economic sectors:
o State Companies - This will have a permanent director. This is to ensure that there is some stability in the state companies and ensure that everything is running the way it supposed to.
o Resources- This will also get a permanent director- This is to ensure that new citizens can be given a chance at learning the workings of the ministry as well as gain some experience.

The major reason for appointing directors is because our economy is continuous and not term based. By doing this our nation can focus on building a long term plan. Also when a minister is replaced, the knowledge that is built up is lost, this system will ensure a better transition.
Besides having the oversight over these people the minister can focus on working together with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. This is to ensure that there can be some planning in the direction in which the economy will go in the long term.

Proposed Government

Prime Minister: AndreasIsaksson

* Ministry of Defense: Refl3x, Intenze and MaartenW + General: Tim Veltkamp: weapons distribution

Currently busy with their own projects, a good team and therefore should not be split up

* Ministry of Recruitment & Coaching: Artemivanov
* Minister of the Internal Affairs: Mattio
o Secretary: Dutchclass

Congress reforms: Using subforums for discussions, and leaving congrss to discuss amoungst themselves. Black listing nactive congress members who do find their way into congress. Goal make congress active again!

* Minister of Economy: Garmr,
o SS: Hollenboer
+ Director State Companies: Il Padrino
+ Director Raws: Hollenboer,
# Vice Director : Ipix

* Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Konrad, Coolisport
* Minister of Finance: Antiko

* Advisers: Boklevski, Mitch Rapp, Dionysus, Luuklag, Myers11

As you can see these proposed government is a combination of old and new faces. Furthermore this government is more compact because I believe that a smaller government can increase the quality of communication between the ministries. This change should also therefore lead to an increase in the quality of our government.


One of the greatest criticism against me is that I am a economist and that I have not worked in the Ministry of Defense or in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Even though this is true, I do believe that I have some experience in these areas. As stated in my interview with Konrad I have joined in PHX economic discussions and have also had contact with other national leaders in countries like Bulgaria and in the eUK. The world is not solely fought on the battle field, but also on the economic front. I do have a general understanding on what is going on in the world. This is because I have experienced it through my service in UNL Elite and in private business ventures.

To help me get a better understanding of the workings in and around PHX, Mitch Rapp as well as others have offered their helping hand and experience. Unlike my opponent, Mattio, I will not give the responsibility of PHX issues to a third party, who is active in PHX. You the citizens of the eUNL, elect a President to make these decisions and to represent the eUNL in PHX and not some third person who cannot be held accountable.
As President I will be responsible for my own decisions and will be held accountable as such. By giving this power to a third party non-government individual there is no accountability to you the eUNL citizens. No doubt I will make some errors, however I intend to learn from my experiences as well as others, so that I can represent the eUNL in the best way that I can. I intend to represent you the eUNL citizens in PHX, and not someone else!


One of the factors that ensures our country from growing is the constant coming of new citizens. In the past we have had many attempts and good ideas for trying to ensure a baby boom. Artemivanov has explained to me that he wishes to continue this effort, and I believe that with all his qualifications that he is the best person for this task. Since it is in everyone best interest that we receive a baby boom, I wish to encourage everyone to take part in trying to help make this babyboom happen. Remember that for every person that you recruit into the game who makes it to lvl 6, you receive a treasure map as reward. Furthermore that for every ten people you recruit to level 6 you receive an extra map as reward! Remember that recruiting people into eRep can make you a nice fortune!


Having a baby boom is one thing, but maintaining it is another. In order to maintain this we need to ensure a good sense of community. This is often done though being active in the forums. Together with changes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs I believe we can improve the sense of community.
Also, I believe that experience breeds experience. Through the simple reforms I have proposed above, I hope to allow citizens gain experience and understand the workings of the eUNL beter. I hope that it also provides people with ambitions to help our community grow. I hope that by improving our community that we can ensure that players stay in the eUNL. A good community is a good building block in our country.

So remember come election day,

Vote Auggustus for President