Articles of Interest to New eNZ Citizens

Day 1,054, 13:50 Published in New Zealand USA by Talio Extremist

New Frontier, New Challenges

Yes, I too was seduced but the lure of a new virgin country with new opportunities. But with new opportunities, comes great challenges. Our first is to stand strong as a nation during the next elections so that our country is not controlled by those with malicious intentions. Only time will tell if the new community of eNZ citizens can put aside their differences and egotistical, self-seeking interests by working together to form a new powerful nation.

Below are national articles and newspapers of importance. Please show your support by subscribing and placing your vote.

National News!

”The Dos and Don'ts of a Brand New Country” | Kiwi Kontrol
”Regarding NZDF and Pakistan” | News, Inc.
”FRTW – New Zealand Defence Forces want YOU!” | Fightin’ ‘round the World
”Welcome to New Zealand” | New Zealand Public Information