Analysis of Presidents Across the World

Day 1,936, 09:29 Published in Australia USA by irule777
An Analysis of Presidents Across the World!

As you all know, they're are currently 70 nations on eRepublik, which means every month we elect 70 world leaders. Here's some interesting facts and collections on them in general.

Party Support
-61.4% of Presidential winners (43) were endorsed by the largest party in their nation. Obviously, the largest party does have a significant say in many countries elections.

-61.4% of Presidential Winners (43) also were endorsed by more than 2 political parties.

-68.5% of Presidential Winners (4😎 had more party endorsements then their competitors. It's no secret that party endorsements can be a deciding factor in a race.

Average Vote Percent
-The Average President won their election with a vote of 60.50%. However, many had as high as a hundred percent, and some as low as 29%.

Re-Election and Previous Experiences
-Only 17.14% of Presidents (12) where re-elected to another term.

-5.7% of Presidents (4) ran against an Incumbent and Defeated them.

-25% of Presidents (4) who ran for re-election, would lose to another candidate.

-41.42% of Presidents (29) who were elected this month, have served a previous term as President of either that nation or another one at some point during their eRepublik career.

Fun Facts
-The Lowest Percentage of Votes a President won with was 29.32% in Chile.

-The Highest Percentage of Votes a President won with was a 100% in five nations. Venezuela, Switzerland, Saudia Arabia, Czech Republic and Denmark.

-Only one presidential candidate received zero votes out of the entire world. This was achieved in Venezuela.

-Atracurium was elected to his 13th Term as President of China (plus one as Singapore's CP).

-Over 20 candidates ran in a second race after a failed attempt the month before.

-Saudia Arabia is only a one party state. Because of this, no person has ever won a Presidential race there with less than 100% of the votes.