African Dish Of The DAY:Little Turtles

Day 2,073, 03:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

First you need to spot yourself a pregnant female turtle . Right after she gives birth you swoop in and throw her young in a big maize meal bag.....


No little turtle or skildpadjie is a liver dish

1t aromat
500 gram grounded sheep liver
1 slice of white bread that was soaked in milk
salt and pepper
1 egg
1 chopped onion
2 teaspoon vinegar
350g caul (think there is a problem with the translator its a fleece of fat)

We usually just buy them already prepared from our butchery.

Mix all the ingredients and fill your fleece of fat which you lay out in a baking tray fleeces must be 5 cm by 3 cm. Fold over and close with wooden toothpicks(before you used them)

Grill in an oven about 30 minutes or barbecue till they are brown.

This is very tasty

ReleaseThe Kurgan