About the orgs issue and the prohibition of shared properties

Day 1,125, 09:57 Published in Turkey Turkey by Dynimum

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Makalenin Türkçesi için tıklayın: http://bit.ly/hoh5Ie

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Dear friends,

It is a quite natural thing for some new improvements to be done not just in eRepublik, but also in all online and even offline games. These improvements are changes that mostly simplifies to play the game, or sometimes changes that expands the horizon of the game with some newly added modules.

However as a result of critical thinking, even if a game releases a new version, some basic essentials of the game always remains the same. This is necessary for the game not to lose its character, even though some players complain about it.

This rule didn't work pretty well in Erepublik so far. Admins didn't save the essentials of the game and add new features, but they insisted on their habits like destroying the working features of the game.

The last example about it was the attempt to close the ORG accounts (previously known as SO accounts) which were one of the essentials in the game since the beta version.

Since the first days of Erepublik, ORG accounts were the symbols of the collective ownership of multiple citizens. All the organizations such as shared newspapers, companies, charities etc. had been a piece of our eCultural and eEconomic life.

Also, some people who thinks that collective ownership must be expanded as much as possible like me, created some communal organizations (such as Halkuretim) that generalizes collective ownership to every single worker in companies. So that the main issue that prevents Left and Right to be a simple expression in party descriptions had always been the ideological differences between collective ownership and personalization.

Of course there is no problem about it, it is quite normal for different people to think different about this subject.

However our problem is that the admins also has a ePolitical orientation. Admins do stuff that supports personalization against collectivization so that they will ensure eCitizens to buy more golds in exchange of real money. This process, which began with the work and train booster "features" continues with the dismissal of structures that is based on extended collective ownership which were hardly standing still so far.

It is obvious that one thing that admins dont want in this game is shared property, or collective ownership. Because when people start to share their properties, they leave all their excessive ambition behind and create great amounts of capital by adding their money to each other pretty easily without needing to buy gold in exchange of real money. It is clear that admins don't like this kind of a thing to happen in eWorld. And even thats why we are not given the option to choose the economical system we want to have.. Just imagine a country which private organizations are not allowed to work, who would go and pay for gold?

Therefore, all the eLeftist groups whom dedicated themselves to defend the properties to be shared equally, must come together and do anything they can against this new "admin attack".

Otherwise we may face with an irreversible situation which all uf us to be considered as victims of a new order that is made by a schizoid mind that just thinks "create company, exploit the workers, earn money out of it, and attack to other countries"

There are several things to do for solution;

Let's resist till we make admins to step back!
Let's don't buy golds with our credit cards anymore!
Let's stop spending more golds!
Let's make peace all around the world so that we can stop people to buy and spend golds!
Let's declare that we will all quit this game in case this new "system" comes to life!

As long as we understand that this problem must be the main subject of our movement, we may have a chance to stop it. Never forget that if the admins do not step back on this issue, there will be no economical or political reason to play this game for an eSocialist or an eAnarchist.

Besr Regards;