A történelem megismétli önmagát (LOG)

Day 1,389, 08:34 Published in Hungary Hungary by Mitsou


[21:50] <[Serbia]BlagiMontenegro> Defend western Transdanubia?
[21:50] na
[21:50] yes
[21:50] lesz goldom
[21:50] of course
[21:50] adok el céget )
[21:50] 🙂
[21:50] <[Serbia]BlagiMontenegro> I think it is inpossible
[21:50] <[Serbia]Gibanica4ever> SO YOUR FINAL ORDERS ARE TO DEF ? 🙂
[21:50] impossible is nothing
[21:50] it is our final destiny
[21:51] I dont care what is impossible till eHungary is on the map
[21:51] <[Bethlen]Tejeskif-lee> hungary have only one missinon, make some krumplistészta