A Simple Proposition

Day 813, 19:07 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles
Eventually the day will come when we're going to invade London, which is the only reason I bother loggin on for more than 27 seconds a day (averaging about 49 at the moment). So that I can get back to that lovely lifestyle of indifference and two-clickery, I would like to do my bit to help make sure that day comes only once.

The Deal
For the next couple days or so, I will match every gold donated to my org. The minimum amount I am willing to go is 250g+ (havnt decided upper limit, depends on how much I have and how its going, I doubt this will get that popular anyways)

When the day comes, the money (in its entirety) will be given to Harlot, the 1st armored, or the president (Frost?) to have some fun and make stuff go boom.


Only citizens are allowed to donate, and matching is capped at 20g per citizen (though of course you are welcome to send more)


Choc, why dont you just donate the gold to the 1st armored for whatever use it wants, they sure could use it!

Yeah, but whatever use they have for it in current campaigns besides london arnt nearly as amusing/intriguing

Choc, ur gunna ninja my munney!

yaya, sure bro.


So yeah, make your gold magically double by donating today!


Still-Future Congressman of Heilongjiang

As always, I suggest all players who do not know how to effectively fight and use a hospital check out This guide to hospital use, fighting, and wellness.

It is also imperative that all players read and follow orders as described in the the Department of Defense Newspaper as often as possible.