A Question On the Use of Trade Embargoes

Day 937, 19:00 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

This is a bit of a re-post of an eUS forum thread, so my apologies to anyone who's read this bit already.

As some of you may know, I'm pretty big on building trade agreements to better build the economic structure of the eUS. I even have an entire subsection of the State Department dedicated to opening allied borders. Its a big deal with big benefits.

However, trade agreements are a two way street. We started this Open Borders experiment based on the assumption that we could pull our allies into the fold. Some nations have been more open to the idea than others. This brings to mind a question that has been brought up to me....

Should the eUS consider the use of trade embargoes in conducting foreign policy?

By no means am I endorsing that we should use trade embargoes lightly. They are a fine tool that should not be wielded like a hammer. However, they are a tool that can be used to accomplish a goal.

I find myself having a hard time feeling like there is a correct answer to this question, as there are both significant upsides and downsides, both of which are hard to measure, and such have decided to ask the American people how they feel on the matter.

Gulden Draak, with the use of significant govt funds, made this highly scientific visual graphic depicting the arguments at hand

Taking a brief look at arguments the come to mind...

- Exporting to the eUS is a privilege, not a right. If you are not willing to participate in the free trade experiment, then you should not get the benefit of our experiment.
- By knowing just how much each country exports to us (We've got it spreadsheeted), we can target nations who are dumping and have leverage for negotiations in trade agreements
- American companies will be better off, either because there will be less imports or because more foreign markets will open.

- It may be seen as excessively hostile, and cause friction among allies.
- We lose out on "stuff" if we actually have to do it, and stuff > gold
- Allied companies lose out

Check out the thread/poll/discussion on the matter here!

This is not not a perfect referendum, however I will keep the results of this poll in mind when making decisions as it will hopefully give me a decent idea as to the mindset of Americans on the matter, leaving me better able to represent you. Do recognize that since the poll could potentially be manipulated, so I will be looking very closely at the comments 🙂

Odds and Ends:

- Well, we've got a couple of those "meet your government" articles out for you!

Secretary of Media David Landonwrote this piece, while Secretary of Tech .kBlazix wrote this one (which included an actual picture of her).

You can look forward to seeing pieces from Batterytime tomorrow, and then Mr. Hyphenated the next day, discussing the Treasury and State departments.

If you have any other aspects of government you'd like explained, go ahead and include requests in the comment section!

That's a pretty cool picture. You should click on it and fill out the form 😛

- There's been an attempt on my eLife. Fortunately the doctors in Karnataka have boosted me with enough drugs that I'm able to write this article for you. Steroids and love keep me going through the pain. Honestly I've seen it coming for a while...I'm just surprised it was Unclepennybags and not the Commie Squirrel.

Click on the picture to learn how to buy US treasury bonds to make America even more awesome!

- I mentioned before that Wahoobob will be making a promotional video for V2. I figured..hey, why not, I need more minions overwhelmed with work. So yeah, I stuck Blazix with the job of making an entire V2 promotional website. Anyone interested in helping out should talk to him.

- David Landon made a pretty funny V1 promotional video, check it out!

As always I'm in #chocsoffice if anyone wants to idle/chat/whatnot when I'm not busy.
