A Note On American Media

Day 936, 17:44 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Yesterday I wrote two articles back to back, something I generally avoid doing. I don't know why, I just felt particularly loquacious.

One contained an outline of the days events, written by the countries president, in Americas home media. It was designed to keep people involved and interested in government affairs and to generally keep people in the loop

The other had one word, consisting of 2 characters, and a picture, which was posted in a hostile countries media, and was designed for the sole purpose of lol'ing at Brazil for failing so miserably at retaining a baby boom.

Oddly enough, I found myself noting an interesting scenario when I woke up, one that's still survived the day. My article that contained substance got ~25% less votes than the one that contained one word and was posted in a hostile country.

Now this doesn't particularly bother me on a personal level, it's quite amusing. However the implications of this do interest me.

Mediafail.jpg 😕

Participating in the eRepublik media module is one of the most self-motivated acts in the game.
You don't win huge battles or get access to cool secret subforums. You don't often get medals or recognition for what you do.

All you get are subs, comments, and votes.

When you really think about it, those three things, given freely to a writer (presuming its not some lame guns4subs deal) are saying something. They're saying:

I voted so that others can see your current work, I subbed because i would like to see your future work, and I commented because your topic made me think.

We complain all the time that our media is dead, that all of the articles are poorly written trollfests. Yet as the same time, this is a product of our own doing.

The eUS government is almost constantly looking for ways to bring life to our media. Yet we, as a culture, rarely take the time to encourage new writers, or even old writers, to continue their work. The result is that they don't. No number of Government programs can fix this.

I suppose I will leave it at that, for fear of becoming redundant. All I ask is that everyone keep this in mind, and be more supportive of those who write well in our media, especially the new guys. Michael Porter threw up a really good article with suggested !! of decent writers (Except for myself, I got on the list based on title alone 😛), that would be a great place to start 😁

Odds and Ends:

Well, most of the stuff that happened today isn't quite ready to be released, since its mostly related to the V2 transition...so here's an abridged copy-pasta of yesterdays odds and ends, along with some additions...

That's a pretty cool picture. You should click on it and fill out the form 😛

- The "meet your government" series is still underway, with Media Secretary David Landon to release an article some time tonight. Over the next few days, you can also expect to hear about/from:

Day 936 - Landon, Media
Day 937 - Blazix, Tech
Day 938 - Batterytime, Treasury (
Day 939 - Hyphenated, State

If you have any other aspects of government youd like explained, go ahead and include requests in the comment section!

Click on the picture to learn how to buy US treasury bonds to make America even more awesome!

- White House Chief of Staff Alexander Hamilton has been confirmed to be an undercover commie squirrel. Details in this thread. If he wasn't good at his job occasionally, I'd send him packing back to siberia.

- There's an eUS forum discussion in Model Kongress over the fortress system in V2. Pretty interesting stuff if anyone wants to take a glance here.

As always I'm in #chocsoffice if anyone wants to idle/chat/whatnot when I'm not busy.
