A little bit of everything

Day 1,474, 15:25 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Hello folks, and welcome to another edition of B.M. Entertainment. I haven't published an article in a while, i was busy with some RL problems and some issues with my internet. But now after all of that is solved i found some free time to write up an article. In this edition i will write about a few issues that are popular these few days. Don't worry i'm not going to bother you with the Presidental elections, there are a lot of other newspapers that write on this topic and i think that there are enough articles about that.

Page 1: Banks, Loans, Savings, Credits...
Page 2: Congress: Selling citizenship affairs
Page 3: Extras

Banks, Loans, Savings, Credits...

I don't know how much of you read the News but if you read Financial business:

You must have noticed that there are tons and tons of articles about:
Creation of banks, loan banks, trust funds, investment banks... So kids do you take AidenAstrup as your example?

He used to be a hell of a player in that game. I don't know how much of you know him but he created t'jelle bank and the ERX. All of that went bankrupt because of his greed. Anyway i'm not going to talk about him nor his greed.
I want to talk about these banks... Can we really trust them? There are some with limitations for investments and some banks don't have limitations. And 80 % of those banks are funded by newfags. If the avarage amount of intrest is 1.75% - 2% per week. So if you collect 500g in one week do you have the guts to invest them and to pay off the intrest to your investors? Yeah right.... I don't say that there aren't real economists who understand this matter but half of these people are just greedy kids who want to make some money. I'm not going to judge you nor critic you. I want to know how much of you people have invested in these things and do you plan to invest in this things in the future? Is this honest business or just another ponzy scheme? What is your opinion? It looks like recession hit eUS. Everybody is trying to make some extra money.

Even i'm trying to make some extra money too... You can find out more about that: Here

Congress: Selling citizenship affairs

I don't know how often do you visit the eUS Forums but if you still haven't signed up to the eUS forums i suggest you to do it ASAP. But anyway if you logged on the forums these days and if you have checked the Public Congressional Proceedings forum you MUST have noticed the many topics about the congressman that was selling citizenship. First i have a nice message to all the current and future congressmans: People don't sell citizenships. Nobody gives a f*ck if you make some extra cash and believe me you won't become rich. But we all give a f*ck if you grant citizenship to some of our enemies. Money comes & goes but we all have to take care of our country. I know that there are a lot of other congressmen that used to sell, sell and will sell citizenship and we can't bust them all.I know that the congressmen get very little money for doing their job(5 gold from the achievement when you enter congress) but people you have to understand that our country doesn't have a price. Now i guess this guy wanted to make some money and i hope he didn't wanted to harm the eUS. But with this kind of actions he sure will harm eUS. So what is your opinion on this topic?

For more info on the Congressman that was punished by Congress for selling citizenships, see THE SPEAKERS WORD.


Now after all of those serious topics, i think is time to relax. Enjoy...


One day a hooker went to file her taxes, and for occupation she put prostitution.
The tax collector explained that prostitution was an illegal occupation.
She said she'd have to go home and think about it and that she'd call him back in a hour with her occupation.
An hour later she called him and said, "I've got it... I'm a chicken farmer."
He said, "How do you get chicken farmer out of prostitution."
She said, "I raised over a thousand cocks last year."

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