A day to be remembered - איזה יום שמח לי היום

Day 1,990, 07:46 Published in Israel Israel by 3.14 Goat

Dear Friends

Today is a happy day 🙂 it’s started with me joining Sayeret Matkal - this is a great honor for me, o7 to all my friends at Samson, Samson was my home, it will always be my home - any soldier at Samson is always welcome to contact me about anything, my PM box is open for you to 24/7.

this is a good place to stop and look back at one of my first articles in the game, more than a year ago, how symbolic this article in retrospect, some things remained in the game are the same and other things will never go back to the way they were - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-1-2007960/1/20

this is a mix feeling of joy & sadness - but more than anything it is a great honor for me to be invited to this elite unit of people, not just players.

to my new unit members, i wish only to try and serve you and our decorated unit in any way I can, with humility & devotion, for the glory of Sayeret Matkal & the State of Israel.

so I opened my morning with ranking up to level 44 🙂
why is there no bigger gold reward for higher levels ? just saying this +1 gold is kind of lame at this point of the game for me... but anyway it’s still lot’s of fun having all my 650 going green again 🙂

Then danis sent me my own SM avatar, with the turtle !!! 10x danis 😃

and then to top it all, a few more hits at the serbs - $$$ I’m now GoW $$$ - it’s was nice for me to do this battle for our friends at eCroatia 🙂 since they left EDEN & all that...

so, it was a good day indeed 🙂 not over yet... who knows what the future will be like ?


Sergeant Autumn