A Challenge to All of Us

Day 1,715, 09:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ronisu


Today I offer this as a challenge that takes the form of two parts:

First... I challenge the administration and all future administrations to stop with the petty engineering and manipulation and be honest. The eIrish people and Dail are not cattle to be shoved along, and you should just tell them your ideas. Odds are, good ideas will be supported and bad ones will be sent back to the drawing board.

Second... I challenge the eIrish people to hold their government to this standard. Demand the facts, decide for yourself. This age of cartel politics should end and we should open a true discourse on the needs and goals of Ireland.

I am not talking about roleplay here, I am talking about the idea that we need to say "Vote YES!" and "Vote NO!" and spoonfeed people. No one here is "King of the Isle" and those who endorse that mindset obviously don't understand what it means to be Irish or eIrish.

I will admit, there are times that I have been lazy, and everyone else was doing it afterall, and on the floor of the Dail I said "MPP with China - VOTE YES," but I now see even that was wrong. No one should tell anyone else how to vote, but rather the reasons why you voted the way you did. If MPPs and Congresswork are as they say, a simple as a robotic response, why would we even have to tell people how to vote?

In conclusion, the Administration clearly has a stance on which it hasn't seen fit to advise the Irishpeople or the Dail. There is a time and place to handle things privately, but when large decisions that impact the entire foreign standing of eIreland are being made without leaving your backroom channels, we have a problem. Be honest, stop with the slander that masks the fact that you haven't talked about your ideas yet.

This is a challenge to me, this is a challenge to you, this is a challenge to all of us! Let us have a truly pride-inducing democracy that has mutual respect between government and people.