2-Clicker 2-Minute Coffee Summary - Rebellions!

Day 825, 06:23 Published in United Kingdom USA by Zheng He

2-Clicker 2-Minute Coffee Summary - Rebellions!

Europe exploded in rebellion yesterday, with at least 12 Resistance Wars being started in "the land that used to be called France". To make it hard on us North American 2-clickers, most battles started just before reset Saturday night (3:00 AM EDT!).

The strategic goal is to get at least one French region back under nominal French soverignity before the Congressional elections on the 25th. This would allow France to have a Congress.

EDEN mobilized with gusto, sending military forces all over the region to help the massive Polish 2-clicker army. Unfortunately, with 12 battles, only one needs to be successful. The rebellions succeded in Auvergne and Franche-comte. To make things more fun, Feenuks immediately started a new Resistance War in Saxony-Anhalt.

USA residents cannot fight in these resistance wars unless we move to Poland. But ... moving tickets are cheap and Polish food is good! (Okay, one of those is true ...) If you move, make sure you go to a region with a Q5 hospital, like Great Poland.

DoD orders say to ATTACK ANATOLIA. This is essentially a training war, but does not require a move.

So now that France has 2 regions back, what's next? Will EDEN move to reconquer those regions? Will the DoD ask USA citizens to move to Poland to fight there?

Stay tuned ...

~Zheng He
Gerk General
Lost somewhere in "the land that used to be called France"

PS : 10 Reasons Why You Should Join the US Army!