2-Clicker 2-Minute Coffee Summary - Pi-Day+1 Edition

Day 846, 09:02 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word of the day is FFM.

On 14-June I started this game as a clueless noob ... exactly 9 months later I'm finally a Field Marshal, and earning my 3rd Super Soldier medal!

I started this game in China for lulz (a word I didn't know at the time) and planned to play a couple of weeks. But China was a bust. China had no wars!!! After a couple of weeks of training and working, and getting fired every other day for working with low wellness, my wellness was drifting down to around 30. No wars, no battles, no access to hospitals! So like thousands of poor Chinese country folks I moved to the USA (using my level 6 gold), bought a wellness pack, then another to make up for the "jetlag", and started fighting.

That was the very beginning of WWIII. My first battle was against France in Nova Scotia. Just 8 months ago I started as a stupid Private, then a useless Corporal, a dumbass Sergeant, a dipshit Lieutenant, an asshole Captain, and after the continual fights in WWIII, a son-of-a-bitch Colonel. In November I joined the Army, where I became a Gerk of a General and finally ... what do I call a FM?

FREEKIN' Field Marshal, what else!?

So what's next? BUSTIN' UP SOME PHEENIX!!

Next time you see me on the battlefield, I'm the 2-clicker with the pretty FM flags throwing down over 200 fight!

While I'm here, I want to congratulate two other new FMs who just joined me, myBad and merschel. Hoorah!!

Zheng He
Freekin' Field Marshal

10 Reasons Why You Should Join the US Army!

Always read and follow the DoD Orders.

For news from the front, read The Army Times.

Sukoidha wants us all to MOVE TO KARNATAKA! The weather is great in the Spring.