2-Clicker 2-Minute Coffee Summary - Friday, 5 March

Day 836, 07:04 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

Today is presidential election day! I previously endorsed Custer for VP, but by not being on the ballot, his exciting run turned somewhat quixotic. For now! He describes his voting day strategy in Custer's Stand: Vote for PigInZen for Prez and DanielCD for VP. Recall that PigInZen has promised to make the second place vote getter his VP, so we get to stratergize whether to vote for the man or hope others will and vote for his second. Or vote for Emerick!

Custer has created the American Military Party, which may make some noise in the future. We got guns, so we can make lotsa' noise!

Sukoidha wants us all to MOVE TO KARNATAKA! The weather is great in the Spring.

The DoD Orders sends us to Pays de la Loire to train up. Speaking of which, I'm 6500 DPs from Field Marshall, so feel free to donate to my Q5 for FM fund.

My loyal reader will be glad to know this paper has gone over 500 subscribers (I would say readerS, but Mom got banned for multi-ing).

Vote vote vote!

~Zheng He
Gerk General