2-Clicker 2-Minute Coffee Summary - 18 February, Thursday

Day 821, 06:47 Published in United Kingdom USA by Zheng He

2-Clicker 2-Minute Coffee Summary - 18 February, Thursday

The word of the day is "peace".

The UK war is over! President Josh Frost has signed a peace treaty with UK. You can read more details in President Frost's article, and in a memo from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General NXNW.

The politics are complicated. I was always personally against the UK war as a waste of time. And the major result has been that Feenuks was able to reconquer half of China ... including Liaoning, which we spent blood to liberate. It turns out that the Joint Chiefs of Staff also opposed the war in the UK, but the EDEN high command insisted that we attack, so Jewitt agreed.

In his News, Inc, Myles Robinson discusses the politics behind the failed UK campaign in detail, pointing out that after our recent failures, "essentially all of the leadership of EDEN has resigned and been replaced."

Although I write freely here, I am first and foremost a soldier. The politicians tell the Generals what to do, they formulate strategy and tell the Colonels, who design tactics and tell the Liutenants. They line up the soldiers, then we point our guns and shoot!

As always, read and follow the DoD Citizen Orders. This morning is a training war in West Midlands. Whoop-de-doo

And now for something completely different ...


The loss of the subscription button has practically killed the newspaper industry, as I wrote about on Wednesday, Feb 3. Thanks to Endy, we can now get our pretty green subscription button back! Read Endy's Freedom Post for instructions.

This button requires Firefox and you have to install Greasemonkey first.

Thank you Endy!

~Zheng He
Packing my bags in Stonehenge
(sorry about them rocks we knocked over, y'all)